Depression & Anxiety - A Bad Combination

in life •  7 years ago 

Depression is where you are so low you don't care anymore about anyone or anything including yourself.

Anxiety is where you worry constantly about everything and everyone including you.

To sum up, depression = I don't care anymore & anxiety = I care way too much

When a person has both of these, it can be such a bad combination to have because of that clash of mindsets on a day to day basis. It's like you are in a constant battle with one self in which one is evil and one is good, but there is a middle ground. A middle ground in which gets overlooked, overheard, ignored. That's your true self!

Your true self is a perfect balance of sadness and joy, to care but to never forget yourself in the process, to have bad times and cope with them and move on to the next day. This is always over shadowed by the two individuals that claim to be you, but they are not you!

We as humans are unique, we can withstand such harsh experiences and can still keep going. But not every human being can do this and some even take their own lives because they feel they cannot cope anymore on this world. Depression and Anxiety can be such a deadly game to play, and people sometimes lose at this game and the consequences are so sad.

So how do we get rid of depression and anxiety? It can be a simple answer, but before you read on, remember, you have to clear your mind and think from your true self, and disregard the baggage and constant thought processes that make depression and anxiety drown you.

The answer is to remember that depression and anxiety is a construct you have made within your mind, which has got way out of control because your true self has been hit hard by either traumatic events in one life such as death, war, relationship break downs, failures in everyday life. All of this has created these two entities, the good which is anxiety and the evil that is depression. You have to understand that we are in control and not these two. Balance and realising that your true self is what is important, and with this you must stand up, be heard and to refuse to be over shadowed by these two destructive entities.

When you come to realise this, it's the first step to getting back control of your life.

I have both of these entities, they been with me for a very long time, but it's time to stand up and be heard, it's time to take back my life and it starts today!

So, bluntly I say this to depression and anxiety..... FUCK YOU! TIME TO GO!

I hope anyone who reads this can take something from this, I don't tend to say I'm right and everyone should agree, that's a ego that I cannot have because it ain't me. But it comes from someone who has gone through a lot in life and is starting to realise what has been happening All this time.

Hope again you all can take something from the words you have read today. Take care all!

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After reading your post, I know you won't take my advice, and that's okay, because I been where you have been, kinda still am. I can only share my own experiences and let others take what they will from it. My post is not to say how to fix it in 5 easy step bullshit, it's to show how to recognise a problem and when you do, fight! And do something about it, to not give up and to say fuck depression, and fuck anxiety, it ain't worth going through. Hope you get through it my friend!