Jealousy = Immaturity! ~Response to @adsactly

in life •  7 years ago 


Although I am relatively young, I have had lifetimes of unique relationship experience. What primary reason explains the unusually massive amount I claim? It stands one in the same with the primary reason for the highly unique nature of these experiences:
I am bi-sexual, and I've freshly realized my inescapably existential truth as transgender female.

These facts transmutated grand varieties of sexually overamped encounters and loving relations into a briefly hyper noxious, viciously dense lexicon noting strictly predictable romantic pattern. In other words, my heart had been eviscerated, beat down, bled out, bandaged up, and segregated to be evacuated in iron prejudice as seperate elemental particles by merely my seventeenth darling year of ignorant aging. In other, other words: by twenty-three indiscriminately insideous solar rounds, I was both a calloussed & cacophonous anti-cupidic cancer, yet I'd attained a wisdom of character leagues beyond the typically pervasive 'romance=mysterious' memes of unfortunate, fruitless yesteryears.

Murdering you is Cupid's target, &his aim is impeccable!

To answer the question posed by @adsactly in a word-

Forgiveness is easy.

Better yet, there is nothing 'unforgivable' about an affair. What is damaging & difficult to repair (a keenly joyless undertaking, I would add) is the breakdown of trust.

Enamoured devotees could instead take the route of standing as a blatent, painful, strikingly rude, almost contemptuously honest ziggauraut of truth. A worship to partners' commitment toward the couple's conclusive ultimate truth: Trust!
This "rawdoggin'" (pardon the phrase, but I feel it necessary to visualize the hardcore nature of, and exhausting vigilance) needed to continue resolution of dissonance when subscribing to a super-saturating ideological honesty.

What would your supposition be in terms of estimating a cost to actually pay, creating dual reward architectures for the average citizen of modernized society adheres to liberal applicatiobs of honesty? To have regular couples beginning to alert their partner BEFORE engaging in extramarital interaction? Interestingly to me, this act of notification delivers a powerful evidence for this ideology.
These couples & the individuals inside of them would likely not engage after seeing so deep a hurt stemming from the prospect the one they claim a love for displays....
Discovery to trust as the base of love! Trust will be greatly strengthened by complete copulation communication, and should the partner be of a non-jealous, anti-selfish-love demeanor then the act would be permitted. Possibly with rules of procedure? I'm foggy on details, I stay out of others' bedrooms, mostly.

The point is, ladies and gentlemen, extramarital engagements aren't sinful, or hurtful. We have just been conditioned to think this way.

"Honesty is the best policy," is a shit philosophy, and people who try to stay honest 100% of the time, toward everyone, will fail. It's wired in. Lies are the most powerful and first form of information manipulation we as a species invented. What I strive for, and what I believe would create much more joy in the world, is 100% hurtful, 100% painful, 100% loving, 100% exciting, 100% lifegiving TRUTH... between partners.
My boyfriend and I share this policy, and by the daily we hurt each others feelings to nearly irreparable ends. We launch nasty, honest comments, and when someone breaks down, the other pulls him back up.
But we trust!
And we love eachother more than I've ever trusted or loved before.
And we won#t last forever, we know that and we have told eachother many times. But the key is, while we are together, we have eachother.
We Trust eachother.

100% <3

First photo credit found on @adsactly post, "What and how much could you forgive if you are in love?"

Cupid shot found here by Michelle Grewe
'Cupid Shooting You' found here

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You have a very interesting way with words, perhaps a mite TOO convoluted and over-worked in places, but in others your words are a hammer whose strikes ring a loud note of truth as it beats the semi-molten metal of my mind into a new shape. I agree 100% with both your main thrusts here - honesty between partners is always the best course of action, and no there is nothing inherently unforgivable in an affair. My favorite phrase you turned here is the "contemptuously honest ziggauraut of truth" - a worthy offering to Enlil.

Cheers - Carl

Sorry for the delayed response @carlgnash @humanbot ;
I truly value the feedback and praise provided. I will take what my current nueral network allows for and do my damndest(sp? Ha I've never considered how one would spell that. Damnedest?) to integrate into future works.
Thank you again.

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