Dead's poem

in life •  9 years ago 

We don't matter
We started out as nothing. we started from the earth.
We all were assigned jobs like water bearer, wood cutter, hunter, child bearer
We ascend into expertise as the technology improves around us
Things like water, food, safety...they become easier
Those with the power, make it so by using our leverage against us to automate our processes
If you were a good water bearer it can be done by pump
If you were a good wood cutter it can be done by saw
If you provided safety it can be done by walls
If you were a good farmer, this work can be done by slaves
This ease of our basic needs leads to early growth as a species
This gives power to those in charge over your skills, everything you've worked to maintain
If they cannot cut wood, or grow corn or provide safety, those that cannot, will attempt to take this from you
They will take EVERYTHING from you if they can
As their power grows, the will of those under that power weakens forever
Those that are under that power become happy for what they have
They forget what free will can accomplish
Revolution is a fad
Needs are still met
As the world grows, the needs of man become passe
As the world grows, the needs of man become easy
But all will succumb to the will of the powerful
We paint, sculpt, philosophize
Most of us take for granted how hard life would have been
Some of us are still fighting for life
We grow
We become more technoligically advanced
We automate more things, and as a result life becomes even easier
Most of us eat, drink and have sex with who and what we want
We live where we please
We get to a point where necessity is a thing of the past
We have no need for water
We have no need for shelter or food or toilets or entertainment
We have become the pinnacle of want
Now we are integrated as a people.
We can do as we please and live as we want to
We've seen all the green hills and crystal lakes and beautiful skies and amazing children that we can handle
We have peaked
We are gods
Weve had all the sex. weve eaten all the food. weve drank all the wine. weve lived our lives and now.....
We have lost paradise
We've lost love
We've lost sentiment
We live because we are afraid of death
We have no more pleasure to gain
We have no more heights to climb
What is our purpose?
We are dead

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