in life •  7 years ago 

Someone quoted a friend of theirs and said "Everyone can write a book". So I'm sitting here and thinking what about my life is so interesting, what do I have to offer to get all you to read and want to read more after Part 1?


Then it hit me... My Journey, how I became a woman, mom/father in only a few years. Yes that does not sound that interesting but believe you me, if you have ever been in my shoes you wouldn't want to be in them after this.

I left my home country South Africa at a very young age of 20 with my 6 month old son, and soon to be husband. He was originally from the UK and wanted us to leave South Africa, as thought it was going to be a better life for my son. I loved this man with all my heart so on the 30 May 1998, I left my world behind me. So with a sad goodbye to my family, I set off to the start my new journey. The hardest thing I have had to do thus far.


31 May 1998 landed in this "amazing" country call England, raining and grey (nothing has changed there). Missing home already and that's when I should have realised that I had made the biggest mistake of my life. But he said he "LOVED" me and would never "LEAVE" me, so hey lets give this a go. Yes I know you ladies out there are shaking your head and saying "know where this is going", but bare with me...

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I’m hooked...waiting for the next instalment
