The Rain - It is the law of life

in life •  8 years ago 

One of the few precious truths I learned is life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in...

The Rain

A ray of sunshine does not always mean happiness nor does a drop of rain mean total loneliness. Through time writers of all kinds being the sensitive, emotional and deep people that they are, have always associated the rain with loneliness. Today, whenever a cold wind blows through an open window or an empty space on a street, we are swept with its glum, warning us of a heavy feeling, reminding us of what we have lost, memories that are only too sad we almost wish could bury everything in a shroud of oblivion. Regrets come again, as well as faces of people from the past as a teardrop suddenly threatens to fall anytime from already lost and almost hollow eyes. The cold brought by the rain along with the dark clouds lurking outside makes us want to wrap our arms protectively around ourselves to keep us warm or to shut out any sad thoughts that dare to overstep the arms engulfing our curled bodies.

But its not always like that. Not if we can help it, no. The Rain is perceived negatively most of the time but we can care enough to see beyond what is often seen. GO, outside on an early September morning and you will see that the rain leaves a magnificent dew drenched flower or a grass all the more alive as the sunlight hits the few drops left from last night's rain. All for you to behold. See that under umbrellas are faces of people smiling and radiant as you meet them on the street. Really, the rain cant be that bad. Not at all. It is natures gift, a gift from the Almighty. And after a rain, what do the heavens hold for you? An array of colors painting the sky and we know it as rainbow. Just as we know that after the tears, laughter comes, making us very much worthy of the joy because of what we have gone through.

All our days cannot simply be filled with sunshine and it cannot be simply all laughter and smiles. We have to grow as a person just as the rain lets the flowers in the meadow bloom and grow. The flowers need the rain just as much as they need sunshine. Same is true with people. We need to be happy just as we need to be lonely so that we can grow as a person. Then can we only bring ourselves to realize that the bad is not so bad afer all as long as we allow the growth it brings to us as individuals.

You cannot escape the rain, nor chase it away. Dare to hear its pitter patter rhythm as something which can never be a hindrance for you to see things in a different and brighter way no matter how dark the clouds and heavy the downpour. It is as inevitable as the troubles we come across. Learn from the rain because it is the law of nature. Learn from loneliness or troubles because... It is the law of life.

(c) to the owner of the picture I used...

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Life has rain and sun, dark and light, night and day, pain and pleasure. Accepting each when they happen is required. Then things change.

When it comes to life, the dark and light, suffering and joy, evil and good, immoral and moral, wrong and right, can only be changed if we accept what has happened and then work to make a difference in our lives to overcome these negatives and create the positive.

Far too many people fear the negative and don't accept it when it happens, rather choosing to deny it. Healing never happens that way.

Take care. Peace.

Nice job! Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to do that!

Great posting

I love the rain ! I really like this post, just incredible.

I love rain because it soothes my soul and make me more aware of the fact that I am alive. Thank you for a great post.