Geez, what a Sabbath Day. It was supposed to be a day of rest; but, when it started with news that a crazed person fueled his hatred towards a specific group of peoples, I could only smh in sorrow.
Yet, for the second day in a row, a misguided person used his opinion of ‘political right’ as an excuse to gun down innocent people in a house of worship.
This was actually the third time in recent days that a race-based shooting was perpetrated. Two blacks were fatally wounded in a grocery parking lot, as‘collateral damage’ of a hate-filled person, who had first tried to enter a nearby church of black congregants.
In each of these scenarios, there is one common denominator, greater than age, race, motivation. That link is hate.
Hatred is a seed planted. The earlier the implantation, the greater the evil attached to it. Hatred is a learned behavior, seeded in the most malleable.
Just as people go over the top, filling their life with beliefs about their favorite sports team, there are some who, for nefarious reasons, go over the top for their political representatives/beliefs. Political zealots is what the latter become. When evil kicks in, their god becomes satan, no matter how much they say Jesus, Jesus.
We shall all, rich, poor, and every measure in between, give account for every word that flows from our lips on the Day of Judgment. For those 'empowered' by spewing hateful opinions, under the guise of political right as they define it, it would be wise to think twice as, as the day of accountability will come due.
Prayers for all who grieve the loss of loved ones killed in a spirit of hate, by those who were triggered by political gas-lighting on both sides of the aisle. Let us remember to pray, too that those who committed these acts, will receive the Light of Jesus, who died on the Cross at Calvary, to save sinners, just like them, from the eternal fires of Hell.
Best regards.