Make Your Plans; But, Let God Direct The Path

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

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I love a good quote as much as the next person. I came across one recently by @moyse that made me ponder.

It read to the effect that the time is now to do what you want to do; because, one day there won’t be any more time.

While I found this post good food for thought; I was reminded of my belief that oftentimes, haste makes waste. I believe that everything is Divinely Timed and Divinely Ordered, if we allow God to lead (Proverbs 16:9).

It is very likely that a day will come when inevitably one has to accept that all of the things wanted to accomplish in this lifetime have not happened, and most likely will not happen.

However, as a believer in Christ Jesus, I am aware that many of the things we want to do are carnal in nature; and, have absolutely nothing to do with what God wants us to do.

I believe that only those things we do for Christ are of lasting value; thus genuine importance.

Retrospectively, in the big scheme of all things life, far too many of my joys for the journey have, and or had, zero to do with what God wanted me to do. They were solely things I, the natural person, wanted to indulge in; be it food, and off-budget spending, just to name a couple.

Then, one day, God blessed me to wake up from my old self; and be renewed with Him. I realized that all the monies spent doing this, buying that had zero value/significance according to Him and His Plan for my life.

What an eye opener it was to learn that the rush to get everything done that I wanted to do; NOW was useless and empty; because it had nothing to do with my Divine Purpose, according to God.

For those who know…it’s all about HIM. And, with all due respect, for those who don’t know…NOW you know…it’s all about HIM.

So, if you’re miserably trudging down a self-created path you designed for yourself…filled with phrases like ‘I gotta’ do this, and I’m gonna’ do that’; it will be worth a try to ask God what His Plan is for attaining all things of value, according to HIM…


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Very well said

Grazie!....and most importantly... Glory to God!

Interesting...and a blatant reminder of Ephesians 6:12-13...
