Times were different then.

in life •  4 years ago 

Back to a simpler day

When the boys were only worried about which car the other was playing with.

Fights since then have been over bikes, computers, phones, and chores, but you have to love em'

Thank God they have not been fighting over girls.

This photo is from 10 years ago. When I ran across it, my first thought was that my littlest one is not blurry. He could pose for 100 shots and hold still really well until the moment you click the button. There were buttons back then. Smart phones have only ruined our lives for about 8 years.


C'mon, you know you want to pinch those cheeks, admit it.


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La verdad, la vida transcurre tan rapido, que en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, ya paso una decada, asi es y a nosotros los padres nos queda una especie de nostalgia, --porque no hice esto o aquello,-- pero en la medida que se puede brindamos todo nuestro amor, comprencion, cariños y enseñanza, para encaminarlos en la vida, gracias por compartir.