The most mad governors in the history

in life •  7 years ago 

History, as we know, repeats. And in power with an enviable regularity there are people "not in the right mind". We present you 25 most mad governors in the history — from the king George to Kaligula.

25 Emperor Yustin II
The Byzantine emperor Yustin (rules with 565 to 576) has begun to go crazy at the end of the board. He had to be carried on the palace in a wheelchair, time as he rushed to volume on servants and, by hearsay, has even eaten several of them.

24 Ibrahim, governor of the Ottoman Empire
It is known that the Ottoman sultan was obsessed with corpulent ladies, and ordered to try to discover the largest what could only be found. He has ordered to drown in the ocean of 280 concubines when has learned that those slept with other men. Besides, he was in the habit to feed with coins of small fishes in a pond about the palace.

23 Charles VI Mad, king of France
Before losing mind, it was known as Karl the Beloved, and became Karl Mad only later. Somehow Karl executed the knights only because one of them has dropped a spear. Also the king refused to bathe and for a long time considered himself made of glass.

21 Eric XIV Swedish
Known for the paranoia, he could execute people only for the fact that those have laughed at his presence. Some time he considered himself own brother. Eventually, he has been poisoned.

20 The princess Aleksandra Amalia the Bavarian
She has been for some reason convinced that she in the childhood has swallowed a glass piano. She also had an obsession purity, and she only carried white.

19 Ferdinand I, emperor of Austria
The emperor conceived as a result of incest had epilepsy, encephalitis, and spoke a little. Tell that favourite his words were "I am an Emperor, and I want a pudding!"

18 Zhu Houzhao (Zhengde), Chinese emperor
The Chinese emperor of the beginning of the 16th century is known that he arranged in a garden of the game "for fun" in which he forced to participate all court.

17 Farouk I, king of Egypt
The last ruling king of Egypt Farouk began to call "a stomach with the head" when his weight has passed for 136 kg. However, what was really strange, so it is his kleptomania. Once he has even stolen hours from Winston Churchill. But most of all he "has become famous" for the fact that once I have shot down all lions in a zoo because of the nightmares.

16 Friedrich Wilhelm I, king of Prussia
Well-known for the affection for military, Friedrich was obsessed with the idea of creation of the largest in the history of military formation. Formation, "consisting of people of extraordinary high growth" is meant "the largest". There are certificates that he even forced tall men and women to take up to receive tall posterity.

15 Qin Shihuang-di, Chinese emperor
This governor so was afraid of attempt that never I slept in the same place twice. Also he not only people was afraid, but also, apparently, of huge sea monsters.

14 Juana I, queen of Spain
The queen Juana famous also as Juana Mad, very much was afraid of treason of the husband. So that even after his death I didn't allow any woman, including nuns to approach his corpse.

13 Ludwig II Bavarian
I was extremely timid and didn't show great interest to government. Instead he preferred to build fantastic castle.

12 Ivan IV
Known as Ivan the Terrible, he at early age has endured a heavy shock in connection with loss of the parents and humiliations from the authorities. At the age of 14 years the tsar has come to the power in Russia then he has fed Rada to rack of dogs. He wasn't satisfied with what has already been achieved, and continued to kill and torture many others.

11 Maria Eleonora is Brandenburg
The queen so desperately wanted the son that she has gone crazy when she, at last, has given birth to the daughter. And though the king was happy the daughter's birth, Maria many times tried to kill her. The daughter by miracle managed to survive.

10 Fyodor I Ioannovich, Russian tsar
It is also known as Feodor Zvonar. After the death of his two-year-old daughter he began to wander across all Russia, ringing each church bell which occurred to him in the path.

9 Mary I, queen of Portugal
After the death of the husband, the son and the daughter, Maria has lost mind. She could shout till the dead of night and liked to wear a kidswear.

8 Otto I (king of Bavaria)
This monarch had to replace on a throne of the useless brother Ludwig II, and was even worse as suffered from stutter and broke everything where I have gone. The latest theories claim that rumors about madness of brothers have been strongly exaggerated that they were easier to be dethroned.

7 Christian VII, king of Denmark
Though officially Christian was the king, in practice his advisers operated the country. He was mentally sick, had paranoia, put himself mutilations, and was extremely not picky in communications with women.

6 Charles II, king of Spain
Been born as a result of awful incest, Carlos II since the birth suffered from such strong ugliness that he couldn't even close companies to chew. Though he had to be a king, his mother had to govern instead of him. All the life he believed that he has been bewitched.

5 Afonso_VI_de_Portugal.JPG)Afonso VI of Portugal
Because of the disease postponed to young years, this monarch remained partially paralyzed on the left side. When he has grown up, has become famous as the mad Portuguese king-glutton and as many other kings in this list, it has appeared in an imprisonment. Rumors went that on that place where he long there was a hollow.

4 Charles IX, king of France
He was called the Snotty King. He has been inclined to attacks of rage and a sadism, though had a reputation for mother's darling.

3 Henry VI, king of England
This governor had such severe bipolar disorder that his wife had to accept reins of government. Heinrich often fell into long nervous breakdowns and completely ceased to realize that occurs around him.

2 George III, king of Great Britain
Of one of the most mad governors in the history George is probably obliged by glory to films which about him were shot. Like Charles IX, he has also ended up behind the bars, and loss of the American colonies was his only heritage, besides a mental disorder.

1 Kaligula, Roman emperor
Undoubtedly, the most mad governor of all times and people. They say that once he has ordered to execute the whole family. He has begun with the husband and the wife, and then has taken care of children, hasn't reached the youngest, 12-year-old girl yet. The poor thing sobbed, and the indignant crowd begged her to spare, she was a virgin. With a smile he has ordered to the executioner to rape it and then and to kill.

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Very disturbing but interesting. Great post.

Thanks friend, I very much love history, I will try further for you