My Thoughts on Firearms, The Second Amendment, and Relationships.

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steemians, Freedom Lovers, Firearm Enthusiasts, and everyone else :)

In this post I want to share some of my straight up honest thoughts on firearms and the Second Amendment while at the same time touch on relationships. While this post may be better served for firearm enthusiasts specifically it can also be entertaining for anyone regardless of their sex or views so please enjoy the content even if you downright hate guns or my opinion. I also completely respect everyones viewpoints and opinions on the topic. I'm open for debate and often times laugh at myself for being somewhat biased so please don't take my humor as disrespect.

As we all know the topic of firearms and the second amendment can be a sensitive and controversial subject. My goal is to show that owning firearms doesn't have to be scary or "evil" thing. The mainstream media often portrays all gun owners as "extremists" or criminals. The truth is that the majority of firearms owners are just regular law abiding liberty loving people who just want the ability to protect themselves and their families and even enjoy the hobby or sporting aspect of guns general.

It's also important that we as a free people preserve our Second Amendment as there are some groups that would prefer us all to be disarmed. While I understand that not everyone has the best intentions or common sense simply banning something won't stop people from the ability of doing awful things. History and statistics have proven that a disarmed population doesn't prevent crime or murder rates and only creates a defenseless population. At the end of the day nobody wants to be a victim.
But of course firearms are not everyones thing and I am totally cool with that cause we all have our own beliefs and hobbies.

My Girlfriend and I at the range when we lived in WA state.

I plan on going more in depth about firearms and the second amendment later in my Modern Day SHTF Survival series but wanted to focus on other aspects of the Second Amendment with this post. Here is my first part of the Modern Day SHTF series where I discuss Survival tips involving Water. Please make sure to follow if you're interested in information like this.

I also want to make it clear that I am a responsible gun owner and advise everyone to learn the top 4 safety rules of firearm ownership listed below. Lets start with the Cardinal Rule.


The Four Rules :

  1. Treat All guns as if they are always loaded.
    This means to treat them like so! An example is if you are ever handed a firearm make sure its not loaded. A situation could be while at the range you're handed a firearm by a buddy. Make sure you always check to see if its loaded yourself. Only trust your own eyes and visually check the chamber making sure there are no rounds in the chamber cause people can make mistakes.

  2. Never point the gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.
    Basically do not aim the end of the barrel towards anyones direction. This is whats known in the firearms community as "sweeping" when a barrel is pointed at someone. While the majority of gun owners are responsible this is something I have seen people forgetting about sadly. This comes with respecting the firearm treating it more as a defensive tool and not a toy.

  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target.
    All firearms have what is called a "trigger guard" where you can rest your finger outside of the trigger area until you have 100% made the decision to shoot.

  4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it. This is what many refer to as a "backstop" or a safe area to fire towards down range making sure you will not be firing towards anyone else.

Apologies if I seemed like a drill Sergeant with those rules but I wanted to make that clear for everyone reading so they don't get the wrong idea. There could also be new firearms owners reading this and it could possibly help them. If you think this information could help someone please feel free to share it. There are also print outs of these well known rules available online. I could definitely add a few more to this involving how to safely store to this list in later posts.

Although what I say in the video is half humor and fun it is mostly serious :). I feel that its extremely important that couples share at least some of the same hobbies. Sharing something as sacred as the Second Amendment can be very empowering for a couple especially as we move into uncertain times. Alright, Let's finally get to the fun stuff! This is a Youtube video I made recently that covers my thoughts on relationships and firearms. Be sure to watch the next videos afterward for some sweet range videos.

Let's be honest with ourselves that the importance of having the ability to protect yourself is only increasing as our daily lives are continuously threatened. Now I don't want to come across sounding like I'm fear mongering or anything like that. This is really just about common sense defense. The likely hood of many types of "SHTF" situations seems more possible as time goes on.

I feel that its a positive thing that more people are becoming interested in owning a firearm for personal defense. Embracing the Second Amendment not only increases the communication, strength, and overall preparedness of a relationship but also gives both people something to work on, improve, enjoy, and grow together. It's important to not get overly obsessed or selfish with your hobby as your partner may often resent you or even think you love your hobby more than them. Of course its always good to have a healthy balance and although I am completely 100% guilty of getting somewhat obsessed with my hobbies at times my intention was only to be more prepared for my loved ones.

She even loves using mine Just watch her smack the steel. She's a great shot.

Here I am with one of my recent favorite AR15 builds.

The Fire Breathing Dragon for the Finale :)

If you enjoyed this post and want to see more content like this please be sure to Follow me :), Comment, and Upvote. I'd love to also know other peoples thoughts on the second amendment. Thanks for watching!

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Your post is very informative.
Thanks for sharing this @stacking9mm

Thank you! @mcekworo :) Its one of my hobbies and passions. Thought to myself why not share on steemit.

Thanks. You did well to share it.

What a great pic! Badass.

:) Thank You! I miss that outdoor range where we took that pic.

Couldn't agree more. Without the 2nd we would probably lose most of the other amendments.

Very True. Its foundational. Luckily we still have it.

Wish my wife would go shooting with me :sob:

Oh man.. Sorry brother. You're not the only one. Its all good though cause its just not for everyone and doesn't mean you can't persuade her to just practice sometimes. Maybe show her this and how much fun it can be. :)

Oh well, just more fun for me :)

Here's an argument to arm gun-lovers (pun intended).

The anti-gun people say something like this: "Death is bad. Guns are an agent of death. Therefore guns are bad." It's hard to argue against this. Makes sense. And the data shows that guns DO increase the total number of deaths BY GUNS (duh!). The data shows that guns increase the number of lethal successful attempts by suicide as well. So if your bottom line is death prevention, this argument is nice and tidy.

But if you don't agree, CHECK YOUR PREMISE. The premise is, "Death is bad." In other words, "Death is an important matter to me."

MY PREMISE IS, "Death happens, and liberty is good." Liberty, too, is concerned with LIFE--not in a nominal way, but in a qualitative way. Liberty is concerned with the quality of how life is lived. And so it follows, "Guns are an agent of liberty. Therefore, guns are good."

At the end of the day, you can argue with pro-gun or anti-gun people. Make sure you fully agree on your premises before engaging.

In other words, "Bring me liberty, or bring me death."

Well Said! So many solid points for a complex topic.

SWEEEET!! I'm pretty sure that AR pistols are "highly questionable" in my jurisdiction, which means that it's definitely illegal! :)

Of course, I'm envious of free-staters that can more fully enjoy the 2nd Amendment. That pistol brace makes it look like a bonafide SBR! However, I heard that it's against regs to rest the brace on your shoulder, whatever the F that means!

Once again, our government hard at "work." LOL! :)

The ATF just recently reversed their opinion on the braces making it legal to shoulder now a few months ago. Definitely love these little blasters. I usually prefer the 10.5 length barrel though cause it doesn't lose much velocity over the 7.5 but love the little blasters. The 300 blackout is ideal in the shorter barrels also so it makes a nice compact close quarters package. :) Cool as hell also.

No way!!??!??? That's so awesome! I had no idea that the government actually does something useful for a change :)

Haha yeah it was a real cluster fck at first. Now you can go on youtube and see people shouldering away lol. no more firing from the cheek BS. LOL. Apparently it now applies to all braces including the Shockwave blade.

No wonder...I was thinking, "man, these guys have some serious balls..." Haha!

This is a little bit off-topic, but I thought I'd share a video with you about a buddy of mine going shooting with me...he got a nasty case of scope kiss! Which, of course, as his friend, I am obligated to make fun of him...all in good fun!

If its about firearms send it my way brother :) Those scope setups can be tricky with the length of pull sometimes lol! I only have one scope setup and have a couple red/green dots. I'm mainly an iron sights guy but at least I have one if I need to reach out and touch something long range.

Yup, it wasn't until after the range when my wife, who was also shooting with us, noticed that my friend had a cut on his face...Lol!

Awesome post! Always great to see someone preaching the value of firearms and how responsible Americans aren't as bad as the media makes us out to be

Thanks brother Following!