
in life •  8 years ago 


A small word with a lot of meaning…

Every morning we get up, get dressed, eat our breakfast and then it is off to work in our different cars. We do this every day without thinking how lucky we are that we’re able to do this, or how privileged we are that we’re able to do it all by ourselves.
I am a teacher at a school for disabled learners and since I started teaching there four years ago, I was compelled to look at the normal things we do every day in a different way.

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When I am on bus duty we start early to receive children coming to school in taxis. It is amazing to see them get of the taxis all smiling and so full of joy, this after getting up at 3 or 4 o’clock in the morning sometimes in a lot of pain, they had someone dressing them, feeding them and helping them get on their transport.

enter image description here

I was amazed and started thinking about how I feel every day, did I emit this joy when someone look at me? Do you emit this kind of joy when someone look at you? And we don’t have pain we are normal not disabled.
Just something to think about.

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Great article

We are always taking things like good health, enough to eat, a roof over our heads and a warm bed to sleep in for granted, and then we still complain about how bad things are.

If we look at these kids we can learn a lot from them.

We need more teachers like you.

I agree rynow. Great article and I salute stardust's passion and commitment to these special children

Thank you for your vote of confidence and thank you for following me sakkievw

Hi sakkievw
I agree teachers who work with special kids are special people and deserve more recognition, specially if they do it with passion

Thank you rynow. I really enjoy teaching and especially these disabled children, they have so much appreciation for what I do for them.