Embracing Yourself Above The Judgement

in life •  7 years ago 

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There's no greater liberty in this world than embracing ALL you are.

Then nothing anyone thinks of you matters anymore, no one can hold anything over your head because you have already accepted yourself.

Their judgments and supposed rejections then drop off like water off a duck's back.

I really wish I could help everyone see that rejection is a lie. No one can reject you. Only yourself. Your worth is completely independent of other's ego judgements.

Nothing anyone thinks of you or does or doesn't do to you changes your worth.

Beloved, If you derive your worth from how people treat you and view you, you will spend the rest of your life living to impress others and be approved. Your worth is innate, it has nothing to do with other people. Live in self acceptance and self loving. How others view you has more to do with them than it has to do with you.

Your worth, dignity, joy and value are not dependent on what people think about you or how they treat you, because they didn't give these to you, they therefore cannot take them away.

You're perfectly complete as you are. Just by being. Its nothing to do with what happens without.

Please affirm with me.

I am fullness
I am all sufficient
I am adequacy
I am not tossed to and fro based on what happens around me and how people treat me or perceive me
My being remains perfectly complete regardless

So just BE! confidently. 🤗




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Follow @dik i'll vote your post and Follow 👍

Your correct! We should embrace ! Who we are we should be happy what we have! We should be happy what we know or what we are meant to be! Because i believe that no one knows everything but everyone knows something!! Great writing ! Adoration for your writing ! God bless you

Thank you very much @faltumanxe! ☺

Love, light and blessings to you! 💚 🌟 ✨