The Power of 10 Human Strength

in life •  6 years ago 


During his advisory, Zhuge Liang (Great Genius & Great Guy in the Sam Kok / Three Kingdoms of Period) once wrote a letter to his son. The contents of the letters written 1,800 years ago were laden with timeless and changing policies, including 10 human powers:

  1. The Power of Silence:
    Silence helps us calm down to clear the mind. He explained that the quiet atmosphere helps us to do self-introspection, evaluate all actions, and foster a determination to improve. He also asserted that the key to success in learning is silence because in silence we can explore what exactly the vision and mission of our lives.

  2. The Power of Life to Save:
    Zhuge Liang gives the hint that a simple life will save us from being enslaved by matter. Simple life according to this advisor makes us become more moral people. Do not be dragged into a wasteful lifestyle, for a wasteful lifestyle can one day bury us into a pile of debts and ruins of destruction.

  3. The Power of Planning:
    In the letters, Zhuge Liang asserted the importance of planning life. Fail to plan means plan to fail - Failed to plan means to plan for failure. By doing good planning, then we will be able to put priority well too. Conversely, without good planning will always make us fail to finish whatever we do.

  4. The Power of Learning:
    Zhuge Liang in his letter mentions that silence maximizes the achievement of the outcome of the learning objectives. He believes that human capabilities are not derived from innate, but are the result of a consistent learning process. Therefore, he suggested that we never stop learning until whenever. While in the learning process, humility will greatly help us absorb easily the required science.

  5. Added Value Strength:
    This advice emphasizes us to give more because it will make us more receptive. Therefore we must strive to always provide the best for others, including to family, relatives, friends, consumers, business partners, and so forth. If we are able to give something extra or added value to what others need, of course, they will be happy, flattered and fascinated. No wonder then they want to always establish a profitable relationship for you.

  6. Speed ​​Strength:
    He advised his son not to procrastinate because the delay means to obstruct our efforts to achieve our vision and mission as quickly as possible. He insists that we run everything effectively and efficiently. In this case, is needed the ability to manage time. If necessary, one thing is done together with the team to get it done more quickly, "We do a bit of work together, together we do a lot of work," says Hellen Keller.

  7. The strength of Character:
    Zhuge Liang advised his son to get used to not being hasty because everything needs a process. Caution in attitude can form a whole character. In the Chinese proverb, it is said, "It takes only ten years to plant and maintain a tree, but it takes at least 100 years to form an intact character."

  8. Time Strength:
    In his letter Zhuge Liang wants his son to appreciate the time. Because the time passes very quickly, not infrequently participate erode our passions and ideas. Therefore, time management well, do not ever waste time by doing activities that are less useful.

  9. The Power of Imagination:
    Zhuge Liang advises us to think far ahead so that we will not be left behind by the ever-expanding era. The imagination of the future is said to be stronger than knowledge. This was also said by Albert Einstein, "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of lives coming attractions. - Imagination is everything. Imagination is the coming pull of reality. "

  10. The Power of Simplicity:
    The adviser exemplifies the power of simplicity in each of his short and understandable letters but is full of positive life guidance. There is no grandiose theory or guidance of life, but the simple wisdom of life. Likewise, if we want to produce remarkable life achievement, no need to use a complicated theory. Even if the actions or steps that we do simple but if done consistently then we will easily achieve the vision and mission.

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