Scarcity vs AbundancesteemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

There are 2 extremely different mentalities that function in the back of our minds. Most of us fall somewhere on the spectrum in between the 2 extremes and are generally oblivious to this background programming making all sorts of decisions for us! But these programs influence EVERYTHING that we do, so let's wake up and take a closer look 👀


One world view is a paradigm of scarcity. As in there is a limited amount of resources (money, power, beauty, food...You name it) and as a result, " I better hold onto what I've got!" Those of us with a scarcity mentality have a lower risk tolerance, hold tightly to what "little" we have because we can't stand the thought of loosing it (because there already isn't enough for all), and we tend to feel safer playing small and staying close to home. Hoarding is generally a sign of some level of scarcity mentality.


Scarcity is a "bunker & hunker" way of life that on the surface may make us feel like we are safer and preventing some losses, but it's also a life of fear, worry, angst, and attachment that renders us incapable of pursuing our dreams. (Too much risk!) It's a life of skepticism and distrust of opportunities and gifts when they come along. It's "losing a dollar to save a dime" as we'd say here is the south. 😉

Living with an extreme hard core scarcity mentality can cause us to miss opportunities, to miss potential gains financially, in relationships, and elsewhere in life because we are so afraid to take any chances and be vulnerable! We are "glass 1/2 empty people." (and damn well don't lose any of that 1/2!) It's very hard to thrive and pursue your life purpose when you are white-knuckle-gripped to what you have so as to prevent any possible losses. 😳


The other world view is a paradigm of abundance. As in there's in plenty of resources to go around (time, money, food, sex...everything). Those of us with an abundance mentality generally have a higher risk tolerance, don't worry as much about losing what we have because we believe there's plenty more, and we can be generous maybe even to a fault. We tend to feel safer taking a risk and going for big dreams because we can't stand the thought of opportunities lost! We tend to want to go out and explore the world to pursue our dreams. It's a life of "go for it" and "you don't know if you don't try!" in an effort to make us feel safer and avoid missing any gains.


Living with an extreme hard core abundance mentality can cause us to take too much risk and give away too much. We are "glass 1/2 full people." (And don't worry because there's always more!) It can lead to carelessness with our resources and over spending. It can lead to being so open hearted, vulnerable, exposed that we become deluded in our naive optimism.

Oh who am I kidding?! ...I'm trying so hard here to write this out objectively and comparing apples to apples. Reflecting the pros and the cons of each type when lived to an extreme. Clear and balanced. 🙌🏽 But it's so hard not to let my experience influence this piece when I've lived both ways and have experience SO MUCH MORE FREAKING JOY operating with an abundance mentality. 🙏🏽 ☺️

I think my nature is that of scarcity, plus that's how my family operates / how I was raised. Generations of my family survived operating under the scarcity approach, and I have no doubt that it was LITERALLY NECESSARY for survival in some cases! Or at least they truly believed it was. But it is not for me now, and IMHO it's really, really important to watch for these background paradigms that are in there running our programming. To challenge our assumptions, question our thoughts and to validate our perception of reality now and then.

My husband @sean-king is completely the opposite of me. He's the one who taught me about the "abundance mentality" about 25 years ago in an effort to help me relax, to learn to trust, to go with the flow a little more and worry a little less. 🙏🏽 An assumption of abundance is how his family operates and how he was raised. His father actually taught this concept to Him! He is well balanced in that he doesn't take undue risks nor is he wasteful with the resources we have. But he's not so risk adverse that he's unwilling to take chances and follow his dreams.


He's fair and balanced. 🙏🏽🙌🏽

Ps-I have been wanting to write this for a month. Lots of minnows and noobs out there lamenting "whales have it all! Money/life/sex/ limited!! I want my fair-share!"

How U do anything is how u...EVERYTHING. Please examine your underlying mentality. See if these patterns play out in other areas of your life. Re-evaluate? Find your truth 🙏🏽❤️

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Gosh you are such a free spirit. It is truly empowering to be able to self examine yourself and break down those walls that stop us from being 'ourselves'. Being body conscious, fearful of what others think etc is so crippling and I find myself falling into that pattern so often.
I am a work in progress.
& you an inspiration.
Thank You for a wonderful post xx

@steemed-open, I was for most of my life a scarcity person.

Trying to make sure I got my share before i missed out. While although I still exhibit these traits I've come to learn of an abundance mentality in my wiser years and have invested alot of energy in trying to switch over.

I'm a believe in the Law of Attraction, that is your intentions will manifest with enough focus and determination, so why not have intentions rooted in abundance, right?


Yes! Why not be on your own side...plan for the worst, but expect the best vs plan for AND expect the worst. I truly believe a large part of this how we see the world (abundance or scarcity) determined by our nature, but you don't have to believe everything you think. Key is to notice our mind patterns to help see thru them.

Wise words @steemed-open. Thanks again.

This conversation reminded me of the Proverb (not that I'm very religious at all) that says something like the wise shall see danger coming, prepare and prosper while fools will carry on and suffer.

You truly hit that one on the screws. (Hope that golf reference makes sense). I grew up with nothing, so, yes, I am the Scarcity reference. My kids, on the other hand, are the opposite, because I went on to college and made a life like I would have enjoyed as a child. Even so, I still worry that it could go back to how it was, so I remain as I was.

I get it and I'm that way too. It's hard for me to stay balanced in the middle...I'm either scared-city gripping and worrying, and then other times I go crazy and over spend. I have to work to stay in the middle.


Yes! Lol 😂

or this


why censoring the nippels wtf americans :D

Probably to stay out of the nsfw tag.

Whether Scarcity or Abundance, either has to be applied moderately.
Thanks for sharing @steemed-open

Agreed 🙏🏽 Moderation or balance brings stability. Yes thank you for commenting.

You're welcome

I would like to learn that too!

How cute, you're good to give yourself as a lid on yogurt!

It's so incredible to read and learn more about you and @sean-king and how you to lead your lives together! You've set a very high benchmark for me to follow :)

Thanks my friend. We live a very happy life, but we've worked hard to see clearly through our shit to get here. Just be to know who you truly are and then be that. That is the only benchmark there is.

I know what you mean and of course you've worked extremely hard to achieve all of that! I'm just in awe of the things you two do haha!

Thank you so much. 😆🙏🏽

I've seen the "scarcity/abundance" mindsets play out on a monthly basis. Called living from paycheck to paycheck. We are a poor country.

True talk! Different realities! The haves & the have nots!

Totally agree. "Abundance mentality" is really the way to go. To pursue one's goals in a positive stance. To have everything and balancing that with being more generous and good to people. Just that attitude of gratitude.

I guess There's a place for each way of thinking , but yes I am finding abundance much more pleasant way of life for me and others.

Scarcity is the lie, and abundance is the truth :)