Women mimics orgasm, why?

in life •  8 years ago 
  • Mimicking the female orgasm is no longer a mystery: the fair sex often feel obliged not disappoint partners, not put them in awkward situations and confirm confidence in their sexuality, even if it creaks.

  • So successful sexual intercourse among strain and sex less successful, failed whose purpose is not seised of partners.

  • A group of three scientists from Canada took the flea problem and identified a painful truth literally and figuratively; women and another that mimics orgasm reason other than those listed above.

  • "While many women talk how relaxed about mimicking orgasm that some even increased their level of excitement, there are people who recounts this in the context of sex totally unwanted," says one researcher at Ryerson University in Canada .

  • In the study, its authors have talked to 15 women with ages between 19 and 28 years old, sexually active at least a year, about mimicking orgasm. Although initially, contextual discussion was not focused on constraints and women did not use the word "rape", though the conclusion was that the study participants were often felt obliged to have sex, and the end was mimicking orgasm that ordeal to end soon.

  • "I inferred that mimicking orgasm may be the solution for women forced to have sex by abusive partners to conclude somewhat faster these painful episodes in their lives," concluded one of the study authors.
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You mean fake orgasm? The same reason why women have implants, cheat about weight/age etc..