Lessons I’ve Learned In Life

in life •  6 years ago 

''Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost.'' -Erol Ozan

Happy Tuesday my loves!
I hope this post finds you in great spirits!💗
Here are the main things that life has taught me on my journey so far! 💚 🔮
I hope you will enjoy!:)
Let me know in the comment section what are the things that you've learned in life!💫
Love you all! xoxo


Contentment and happiness can only be found from within.

Material value is an insignificant part of the happiness equation.

The most beautiful people I have ever met where the ones with the kindest hearts.

Letting your ego die is the best decision you will ever make for yourself.

Be careful not to fall deep in the trap of the limitless distractions of the external world.

You should never act upon your short-term emotions.

Having meaningful relationships is the only thing that it comes down to in the end.

Never get tired of saying ''I love you''.

What you don’t have, you can’t give.
If you do not love yourself, you can not love others.

Don’t resist what is.

Don’t protect yourself from feeling pain.

Mastery is about believing in yourself.

Things are rarely the way they seem.

Unspoken pain only makes the suffering worse in the long run.

Do not create artificial barriers.
The only limits that exist are the ones in your own mind.

Uncomfortable emotions are only temporary.
They are also amazing teachers.

The only person you should compare yourself to is the person you were yesterday.

Unresolved trauma will sooner or later contaminate your romantic relationship.

No matter what, never let go of your values.

Listen a lot more than you talk.

The antidotes to all of your problems is to be found within your self.

Acceptance is everything.

And last one but not the least….
You are enough, just as you are. 💜 💫 💜

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Pimpin aint easy.
;) lol

hahaha it never is, right? 😏

Or remembering to upvote apparently. lol Whoops!
I dunno how I miss upvoting you.

You’re too kind Adam!

I know. lol
Wow 4 cents now? Weren't you at 2 cents and then 3 cents a while back?

well this life has taught me you can't please everyone in life.. Blessed day @steemityourway

Well said @lordcarlo297 ! 💜
That is such a great one!!
Can't believe I forgot it.
Bless your kind soul xoxo :)

Awesome thoughts

Have a blessed life

Why thank you!!:) @casperado xx