The Art Of Self-Discipline

in life •  7 years ago 

Self Discipline is The Only Discipline That Lasts.


The concept/word self-discipline is obviously not new to most of us, it’s a word we have heard numerous times but which most haven’t really paid attention to thereby keeping them in the dark as to it’s true importance and the amazing effect it could have in their lives. Splitting both words self and discipline, self relates to a person’s inner being, who you are within, your nature and personality while discipline relates primarily to training and controlling the behaviour of one's self.

Therefore self-discipline is the ability for you to train and control yourself, who you truly are and having to control/restrain yourself from doing negative things that you ordinarily want to do. It involves you building a reasonable level of self-governance which is a feature that would mold you into a leader. By being self-disciplined, you gradually begin to focus on things that would boost your overall being such as exhibiting positive habits, thoughts, actions and putting in efforts towards the achievement of selective or oriented tasks.

There are quite a number of qualities which when synched together contributes to any individual into becoming a success but in actual fact, self-discipline could be considered the bedrock and starting point of any potential success and achievement. To verify this, you could pick a sample, couple of people you know who are doing pretty good and excelling in their endeavors, observe their way of life, they usually have principles which guides them and also they never joke with time.

This is because self-discipline goes way beyond the word discipline, it’s a learned behaviour which requires a total switch from the ordinary and random way of life into a new one which requires training, practice and daily repetition of routines and processes to help it stick regardless of what it’s channeled at which could be in relation to work, ethics, relationship etc.


Discipline goes beyond possessing the best of qualities, it also relates to the mastery of your thoughts, this is because the only way you can achieve anything is by tracing it to the root source as you can only control what you do only if you have mastered the art of controlling what and how you think, that way you get to think and act fast. Time management which is a major key in life goes side by side with being disciplined, you can't be time conscious and yet not be disciplined. This is because the more you build your self-discipline, the more you need to work with time thereby leading to better time management and greatness of character which will eventually bridge the gap that exists between your goals, aspirations and achievements.


In life we have to pick between 2 pains, which is the pain of discipline or regrets, it’s two sides of a coin, the pain of self-discipline will definitely lead you to success at the long run while the aftermath of later leaves you in melancholy and being tagged as a loser. There are many celebrities (both in entertainment and corporate worlds) who have achieved great feat, we only see and hear of their success without knowing the amount of work and sacrifice that has been put into it such as the starving of frivolous activities they crave, the sleepless nights, the exercise and all, but at the long run that act of self-discipline helps them achieve more success than they have ever anticipated.

This resulted in a research of which its result proved that people who are disciplined live happier lives than those who are not because they evade engagements that could be detrimental and hinder their goals and focus more on making positive decisions.

Self-discipline is magical, it’s invisible but if achieved exists in you with an effect forever blissful

Embrace it now!!!

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The pain of discipline for me always looks sweeter.

Thanks a good thing...Thanks for dropping by :)

Self-discipline is magical, it’s invisible but if achieved exists in you with an effect forever blissful.

Actually the best ending for a post , it summarize the whole post.
The resolution to be disciplined lies within us and can only be performed by us inside of us but the result is visible to all and forever

You just said it all my friend, thanks for dropping by :)