My FOURTH jaw infection

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


This was the night before when I felt the infection coming back. Excuse the hair I just took the picture to compare the next day.


I got my wisdom teeth taken out in December of last year. I had all four taken out including one which was impacted. Everything was going as expected, I made sure to clean and maintain as the doctor instructed. I ended up getting an infection a week later which left me in more pain than the original surgery. When I called they refused to refill my pain meds. I understand that there is an issue with opiates as I work in the toxicology field. However to tell someone they aren't in enough pain to require more medicine when the pain is as severe as the original surgery, I find to be ridiculous. They did end uo refilling them a couple days later. I ended up calling and insisting I be seen, and they found that I had an infection. No problem I understand the mouth is a dirty and place infections happen. They wrote me an antibiotic and asked me to follow up in a little bit over a week. The swelling went down and everything seemed fine at my follow-up.

Shortly after I got another infection, and they gave me a different antibiotic but did nothing to clean out the infection. The antibiotics again brought down the swelling and a check-up said everything was fine.

Then I got a third infection. Again no cleaning, just more antibiotics. Around that point they refunded me $400, which was the amount that I paid out of pocket for the procedure. I found that to be extremely generous because, even though I know infections happen, I do feel that not enough was done one of the first two times to ensure the infection was gone completely. When I followed up after the third infection they told they refunded the 400, which I thanked them for, and then proceeded to tell me that the insurance company paid them too much and they needed $250 back. I told them while I understand infections happen, I do not agree that all measures were taken to ensure the infection was gone and I was not happy with my experience. I told them they could keep the insurance money and I wouldn't make a fuss about it but I was not going to give them back the money that they refunded me.

Fast forward 5 1/2 months later, and the infection is back. The same day the infection came back I got a call from collections informing me I owe $250. Now I am very smart with my money, I work very hard and have a fantastic credit score. I am beyond furious. It's going to cost me $400 to go to another surgeon to get this cleaned out and they have me on antibiotics yet again but this time far stronger.

I understand that if I had continued to go to the original surgeon my follow-ups would have been free, but tell me, would you stay at a restaurant if they burned your food 3 times? This is my health, my looks, my job, and my life. The medical field is far below where it should be. Its pathetic. As of now the infection is almost clear again but I refuse to give that company money ever again.

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Wowwwzaaa. When did medicine ever turn into to greed and shadiness? They're supposed to help people not run them down for a bill. Sheesh. That is so terribly sad.

It's almost back to normal now. Thankfully. Im no brad pitt but it wasn't pleasant seeing that happen overnight. I go a haircut and everything today! Made me feel better haha