Your top 5 favorite movies

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


Jurassic park
The Birdcage
Liar liar

One of my favorite discussions when meeting new people, is movies. In a world full of war and hunger amd poverty its nice to have an outlet. I grew up without cable for many years what often watch movies over and over and over without getting sick of them. There certain movies that I could quote from beginning to end on mute and there are quite a few that I can quote a large portion of.

My number one favorite movie hands down is of course Jurassic Park. I've seen it hundreds of times it was the first movie I saw in theaters and everytime it comes on TV I will stop to watch.

Close behind that is Jaws which was the first summer blockbuster. In a time before CGI a young Steven Spielberg dealt with difficult but fantastic actors and a shark that rarely worked to create a movie that still makes people scared to enter the water

Scream comes in at number three and although is nothing in the gore category compared to some of the newer movies it really brought back slasher flicks and people forget how unheard-of many of the things involved in it were.

Coming in at number four would have to be the Birdcage. I have shown this movie to more people than I can count and have never found someone to dislike it. Much of the movie was improved but what can you expect when you have Nathan Lane and Robin Williams.

Number five is a really tough choice because there are so many movies that I love but if I had to pick one I would probably go with Liar Liar. Jim Carrey was absolutely hysterical and I'm still waiting for the day I get pulled over so I can use the memorized cop scene and Hope that he will appreciate it so much that I get off without a ticket. What are some of your favorites and why. Lets take a break from serious and talk about something fun and care free!!

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