Two of Trumps wives are Jewish. 3 of Trumps children are married to Jews. Trumps youngest daughter is dating a Jew. Baron isn't dating yet but I'm betting that he'll marry a Jew. Trump wants Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel. How much more Jewish can he get?
Trump is owned by Jewish bankers. Not all Jews, just the ones running the world. Behind closed doors all world leaders are working against us. Trump is not on our side, he is an actor.
Zionism and Judaism are not the same. There are lots of good Jews but they've been deceived along with just about everyone else in the world.
This video is about the Sabbatean-Frankists (the secret satanic Jewish cult that I believe runs the world).
N.B: You will find two excellent playlists that go into great detail about the Sabbateans on the you tube channels The Rape of Justice and RaisingKundalini2 (same guy runs both).
It is a bitter pill to swallow but I am quite certain that it is the truth! Anyone interested in who runs the world should listen and do further research.