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There are people, people and people everywhere thinking just about people all the time which is too naive in so many ways. Money is an essential thing for us to survive but it cannot define anyone's life. Feel your breath you will know the trees and plants, feel your skin you will know the animals, feel your emotions and you will know the next person...and then life goes on.

First , that's disgusting the child pornographer.. just like killed my whole vibe ..

Second, sometimes we are so caught up in our past and the wounds of the past that we do not know if tomorrow we are going to be able to be the same if we will overcome what has happened .

But you're right , Steemit is the first platform I and many others here have been on that actually gives a shit about you , your opinion , your content .

You're a strong woman who has overcome battles , and that's what makes you wise and a solider . Just because things in our past have brought us down and make us see the world differently doesn't mean it's going to be like that .

You know no matter how much money I have , I always make an effort to give to the ones in need because when you help others , God gives back . This has been my strong belief and continues to be . I wish a lot of people thought or saw it that way

There are many people like you stated one , that help others , wealth is temporary , we can not take it with us to the grave so why not help others while we are here . Yeah , people screw us over , but if we keep that mentality , I don't know what it defines us as .

This was good to start my morning with

your insight is very valuable. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

Thank you as well, it means a lot to me :)

Your post really touched me, right now I'm tired and sad because my family, especially my single mum is going through some really tough times and I feel helpless because I can't do anything. Or I think I can't. I actually joined steemit with the hope that I could make things change for us, but it doesn't seem that things are going to be better, and many times I feel like I'm about to throw in the towel.
But, posts like yours and those of @ogochukwu really help me. They tell me things take time and patience, two things I seen to be lacking now, and that Steemit can be home, a sanctuary. I am trying to make it that, it is tough going but I'll try.
Thank you again

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

In addition to what @stellabelle said; you can't win when you are tired and sad, and you need to have an understanding that there is no helpless or hopeless situations, there are only people who have grown helpless and hopeless about their situations. Remember the solution is not in confusion but on the other side of confusion.

Please keep the hope and faith alive because even the dead still have hope.

Thank you very much, I'll keep that in mind.

Reach me on discord here I'm going to on-board you on something great that's about o happen on steemit from Africa

Really? Count me in

The invite is expired, that's what they told me

Sorry for that, check this now

you must stretch your mind a bit and come up with ways to make change. Right now your emotions have taken over and cloud your thinking. I am glad you feel a sense of hope though.

I agree. It's hard stretching the mind when there are many cases of failures around you I always thought getting good grades at school would mean a cushy job and a better life, but things in my country at getting harder, so many qualified people, so few jobs. So I'm trying other things, improving my writing and stuff.
I'll look for the little things, the good things, and I'll be happy.

This lady is fighting child porn here too - she has a scheme going on and is hunting it down to stamp it out. Maybe you can join with her effort. I'm on the same page about this and do not want to see it here or anywhere.

I don't want to see this garbage either @fitinfun.

I think a lot of us are in agreement, so working together we have a chance to knock it down.

Disliking Zuck and his goal of hooking you, makes you a wise person.

Rumors are he is thinking of a run for public office. Either senate or president. We would need to rise up against Zuck if he ever ran - he is a manipulator who likes to hide his true motivations. He is not pure, or well intentioned for the benefits of America and American values

Deep and interesting thoughts for Sunday night, thanks fro sharing @stellabelle. And agree, I won't tolerate child pornography anywhere!

Fantastic post @stellabelle! Very honest of you to share some of the things you did and very in inspiring words throughout. Horrible news at the end. The spam seems completely trivial in comparison. :(

Thanks for a great post my friend! Have a great day! :)

In the journey of life, do not seek to take the byways. These may lead you to a precipice: Follow the road much safer, the term is at the end.
We often believe, by taking the most distracted paths, to obtain greater advantages, while to our right and left are fresh shades, vermilion and savory fruits, inviting us to a gentle halt; But the goods of easy acquisition, which are, as it were, at the end of the hand, are repugnant to our activity or our pride; We love to agitate for distant things because they have more attraction or because a greater brilliance will follow the conquest.
The straight line is the shortest path from one point to another; Provided of course that the two points are indeed opposite each other

This is really inspiring! I think you are making a success here on steemit, but I believe you can do whatever you want to make a success in doing something to benefit others. You can do whatever you put your mind too and your mind is clearly in the right spot. I hope all the best for you and your future. I believe you can do something big one day. Also I agree with you about the child pornography. It isn't right and it's a good thing you are putting some light onto it!

@stellabelle...steemit is simply a saviour!

Finding ourselves can be quite the challenge, but it almost inevitably seems to involve some variation of "falling into our personal black hole" and then coming out on the other side... it seems to happen less for those who are "skating by, marginally comfortable."

Good for you, for finding your path... maybe one of the things to remember is that our sense of SELF actually comes from the SELF, not from an external source. We can find external inspirations but only we can define our authentic truth.

Child porn? That's SO wrong...

Thank you for this. I feel like I've been skirting around my breaking point for a while now. This is an inspiring post. I need to find more people like that too. Thanks again.

This is spot on. The most interesting part for of this post is the clear difference in the creator's objective and vision for Steemit and Facebook. Like you rightly said, the latter only cares about hooking you and keeping you glued to it platform while you expend valuable time and resources getting little or no value. Steemit is indeed a paradigm shift in what we have always been used to and cant think of any platform that is committed to giving values to its users. I really enjoyed your post and this deserves all the upvotes from every steemian. Lastly, thumbs up for the cool jab @iamgod. I wonder how child pornography makes one feel like a god, cant seem to wrap my head around that, Lol! Great post...

glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for your insightful comment.

I hope this article gets more notice and more people can read it, because it is inspiring and I think it could help a lot of people.

On a side note, something definitely needs to be done about the child porn. It's disgusting, there needs to be a way to delete it permanantly, along with banning users like the mentioned.

It's always good to find applicable postive mentors. I'm glad that you found some that worked for you. Striving for self-improvement I find makes it easier to get through life.

Upvote and Resteem. Someday's I feel like I'm going to mentally loose it here where I currently live. Really wanting to move back to the U.S. already. Everyday seems trying. Thanks again for the post. Very enlightening. Cheers.

where are you at?

My family and I live in Ashkelon, Israel

Interesting article.
Thanks for sharing.
Upvoted and followed

Our actions ripple. You will most certainly inspire a Vandana Shiva or two to keep pushing towards their goals. No need to get complacent but realize you are already well down the path of awesoness!

It's nice to learn a little more about you. I hope you haven't forgotten me already hahahha It's been a week.

I would suggest you to read about Abdul Sattar Edhi as well, a Pakistani philanthropist who used to run the largest ambulance network in the world. He started helping people at an early age and whatever he did was recognized by the whole world. I believe he still holds the world record for the largest ambulance network in the world. He died last year but his work will never die. Do read about how he lived his life and let me know what you think!

Inspiring. Seriously. People who have seriously inspired me in the past must remain anonymous, but here is some of their wisdom I'd like to share.

You will not see the destination at the beginning of the journey... begin.

Seek and you will find....and when you find, you will want to go back to seeking.

There will come a time when it feels like the end. That will be the beginning.

Be yourself. Everybody else is already taken.

Don't be afraid of the storm. Be the storm.

I strongly recommend "The Hero's Journey" (or anything else) by Joseph Campbell is you haven't read/seen it already. Peace!

brilliant post.

i have always believed that we dont truly become adults until we have a major tragic life event.

I'm not brave enough to share my personal major event on Steem yet. And I sure havent figured out what i want to do with my life yet. I'm only 43, loads of time to figure thst out right?

people who inspire me are those eho had a goal and did what it took to reach those goals.

But everyone has flaws. the people i most admire also have flaws i may despise.

This is an excellent, thought provoking post. I'm glad it got resteemed into my feed this afternoon.

I'll be following your posts, fir more thought inspiring content. Thanks!!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I consider Vandana Shiva India's Superwoman. I discovered her work in the documentary The World According to Monsanto (2002). I admire her beautiful soul and her strength in fending off Monsanto's monopolistic intrusion. Nikola Tesla doesn't need any introductions, people who know his story recognize he was the genius and visionary of the last century, forget Einstein. Einstein was good for his theories, but Tesla was way ahead because he brought us revolutionary inventions that benefited mankind to this day. Such people are role models, they inspire us to innovate and be strong in our convictions.

I can relate to this <3

Wonderfully inspiring article @stellebelle. The account of Dipa Ma inspires me. She was an Indian Buddhist teacher who was widowed young and was a single mother. She helped many to find their path in life and di not care for material comforts. 🙏🏽

I think some misleading marketing has been done on behalf of Steemit. I know I've heard it..."it's like Facebook or Twitter only you get paid".

Could anything be further from the truth?

Steemit in its current iteration isn't for everyone. If you're not a writer, a reader, or both, there's no place for you here. If you have no ability to focus on and lift up others, well, I just don't think you belong here.

If you're into child porn, there's DEFINITELY no place for you here.

I really try to see all people as humans first, but I can't say that's the case with people who hurt kids and animals. I'm not ashamed.

I think what is most apparent is that Steemit is going to have to be a place where every person does their part to police it.

My children inspire me. They are my reason for everything. Perhaps in a few years that will change a little when I they are their own individuals.
That certainly is quite a journey that you've been on.

Hello @stellabelle! How i find my own story in yours! I was in the same situation last year that I even gave up my career as exec. chef! I was really very successful in the field that i chose, but i really wanted to know my purpose of existence on this planet!
I have been in a deep depression for nearly 6 months, then I found Steemit!
It really changed a lot in my life, i am reading from amazing people here which make me feel so much better and at the same time I am sharing my passion and likes to the world freely!
You are one of the greatest inspiration ever as i can find me in your life story.
Thanks so much for such a great post!

@stellabelle, thank you for your perspective. Actually your writing is quite clear and effective, so it's clear from your story that you have come a long way in a short time. You are thinking very noble and active thoughts and it's nice to be reminded to do so. I came here bc I saw another Steemian link to you and am definitely following now.

Also isn't it amazing to go back to things like alcohol or weed later, once you've reached better levels of energy and discipline, and realize how much energy they take out of you?

Beautiful post, I feel you and I kinda know how you feel, Steemit also helps me stay focused with a lot less overthinking, depresion or bad mood. This awesome community really is something no other platform can compete, and it started to show and grow.

Thanks for sharing and keep your head up <3 Steem ON with Peace & Love #keepsteemin

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment