Social phobia is a psychological disorder that prevents the establishment of human relationships. Do not be constantly afraid of the environment in which the social phobia will be evaluated by others; fear of losing control, worrying that he will behave in such a way as to be humiliated, shameful or ridiculous. In social phobics there are some non-functional beliefs about their own behavior and the ways in which others judge these behaviors. Involving people with social phobia, initiating or sustaining things, making a presentation, making an impromptu speech at a meeting, saying an opinion, advocating for a right, returning a property, joining small communities, dating the opposite sex, eating, drinking, participating in new activities, , they are overwhelmed with fear of being negatively assessed and humiliated in social settings such as writing in front of others, speaking with superiors or those considered to be authorities, entering a room where one is sitting, entering new people, going to parties, The person knows that fear is excessive or insignificant, but in those environments where fear is felt, feelings of extreme self-awareness and tendency to criticize themselves, feelings of redness, palpitations, sweating, trembling, tension in the muscles, dryness in the throat, dryness in the throat, stuttering, physical signs such as pressure in the head, and fear of being noticed by others.
In social phobic patients, there is an unconscious desire to receive attention and an affirmative response. They avoid social or performance situations in which they feel they are unlikely to be approved by others, if they need to be folded, they are subject to intense anxiety, panic attacks or significant distress.
Social anxiety disorder reduces one’s daily routine, professional functioning, educational activities, social activities and relationships, negatively affects family life, and quality of life.
Social phobia is much more common than it is thought and leads to serious difficulties in the lives of clients. It is known that social phobia often starts in adolescence, and that the age of onset varies between 13 and 24 years of age. If the treatment is aged, it is generally around 15 to 20 years after the onset of the disease and around 30 years of age. This delay is due to the fact that social phobia is not known to be a treatable disease and that social phobics consider this disorder as a part of their personality.
In general, social phobia is anxious not only for the negative evaluation of the individuals but also for the positive evaluation. Situations such as taking social phobic individuals, mentioning them with praise, and having positive and successful behavior in front of other people can also cause anxiety to them, and it shows that the similarity of the physiological and emotional symptoms that the social phobic person shows when they are evaluated negatively is positively evaluated.
Social anxiety disorder is more common in people living alone or living alone due to the social relations, especially the discomfort of talking with the opposite sex.
Studies on education level and social anxiety disorder have found social anxiety disorder to be more frequent in people with high education level. This may be due to the fact that the higher education level of the person with higher educational level is seeking more treatment than the lower level of education.
It was also found that the number of males who applied for treatment was higher in females than males in social anxiety disorder. From this result, it can be considered that men are more uncomfortable than social phobia symptoms because the shyness and hesitant behavior in our society are encouraged by women, mastership, dignity and not being regarded as a problem and men being perceived as a disability.
The low socioeconomic level also leads to the formation of social phobia by restricting social relations and creating low self-confidence.
Parental involvement, traumatic experiences and traumatic experiences, observation of someone else’s fear in response to a situation or object, negative attitudes toward the child, negative attitudes, presence of social phobic relatives, disciplinary orientation of parental roles, parental disagreement about parenting, weak parental role orientation, thinking, lack of social skills are risk factors that are effective in the formation of social phobia.
The presence of social phobia negatively affects academic achievement. Anxiety about speaking in front of the class causes excessive tension in school and class, which can lead to leaving the school. When students with social phobia in the educational environment are not noticed in time and necessary interventions are not performed, students show an evasive behavior, constantly have anxiety at high level and this leads to leaving school.
Psychiatric disorders can also be seen in people with social phobia. In particular, Depressive Disorder, Attentive Personality Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder and alcohol abuse and dependence are closely related to social phobia.
Social phobia is a discomfort that many psychological and psychological and biological factors play together. Many factors, such as the presence of other psychiatric disorders, the early age of onset, the active participation of a person in therapy and the desire for treatment, affect the success of treatment.
Social Fobide Drug treatment and psychotherapy are applied according to the client’s situation. Some drugs are effective in social phobia. Drug use must be assessed by a psychiatrist. An important problem in the treatment of social phobia with medication is that the symptoms reappear after the medication is stopped. For this reason it will be useful to get Psychological Counseling / Psychotherapy phobia
The most commonly used therapy is Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy. In the process of therapy, cognitive changes are reinforced by behavioral techniques, so that new information is more easily digested, resulting in changes in thought and behavior. Evidence to assess each client’s problem in terms of the cognitive, emotional and behavioral systems as a whole, to refrain from behaviors that impede the processes of correcting and correcting false information and correcting cognitive responses, re-observing non-functional thoughts and beliefs, identifying more realistic and functional ones, and supporting functional beliefs collected.
In behavioral methods, it is aimed to confront non-functional beliefs, to go on top of complaints, to be a model. In addition, relaxation exercises, systematic desensitization and social skills training are the other treatment methods used.