Ever wonder if what you believe to be true, isn't? The ride down the rabbit hole runs deep...

in life •  7 years ago 

Firstly, the ride down the rabbit hole as far as I can see, is never ending. The further you go, the more mind blowing everything becomes. I can distinctly see two different lives, two different people - before waking up and after but it doesn't stop there....the more you know, the more you can see, the more you wake up to the truth - we live in a completely different 'reality' than what we were taught to believe.

The church is known for saying, 'give me a child until the age of seven and he will belong to the church'. Ever wonder why? During the first seven years of life, our brain is in the 'theta' state - we are highly programmable. This is the same state a hypnotherapist would put someone in then shift their subconscious programming to believe things that the rest of us can clearly see, are not real. Put this into a different perspective - between birth and seven, we are taught how this world works - from the globe to Santa - we believe what we were taught to believe.

What if though, what you have been taught is not at all what this reality is? What if information is being suppressed? What if, dear Human, the universe does revolve around us, that we have access to infinite intelligence and we are guided by a creator that is pointing us to the truth of who we really are....pieces of consciousness here to advance humanity forward. What if, Genius Human, you can be, do and have anything you feel passionately about - that you can change reality simply by changing what you focus on.

If you could see what I see, all of humanity would step into their power and our entire existence would follow.

Dear Human - question everything. Use critical thinking. Open your mind to possibility. Knowledge is empowerment - self knowledge is self empowerment.

You are more powerful than you know. Live your life on purpose.

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