Imagine if everyone woke up from their enslavement.....

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

....what would happen if everyone saw the bigger picture of human existence on this planet? If everyone started to wake up to their power, started to love themselves as they lived in the moment and understood that their thoughts and emotions create their reality....

....what if everyone knew that the fluoride in their water was calcifying their connection to infinite intelligence and their ability to see this 'reality' as it really is. Find me one doctor who agrees that a neurotoxin in any does is good for all.

....what if people actually started looking up at the sky and acknowledged; 'the clouds no longer look like clouds' and decided to figure out why.

....what if people understood that the genetically modified food is genetically modifying them too. One google image search for 'mice and GMO's' and they'd begin to question everything.

...what if everyone knew that the organization who manufactures and bullies humanity to use poisoned seeds also owns the company that manufactures the poison that must be sprayed on the food as well as the pharmaceutical company we would require after eating said food.

...what if everyone knew who Nikola Tesla was and the suppression of free energy at the expense of evolution and the planet we call home - that technology exists that could ensure every human has their basic needs met.

.....what if everyone realized that science has evolved and the 'new' knowledge is being suppressed. See quantum physics, epigenetics, the Aether/Ether, biofield, plasma, the electric or holographic universe theories, etc, etc, etc.

...what if everyone woke up to who they really are and that science shows that not only can we mindfully change our reality but as well, the entire world?

My question is; 'how much more is it going to take before we decide together, enough is enough?'

Is it because they just don't know or that they don't want to know? In my opinion, people believe that if they don't see it, it doesn't exist and even when they do see it, "it is much easier to fool the person than it is to convince them that they have been fooled".

At the end of it all, I want to know that I did what I am here to do. I want to help others to choose love instead of fear. To choose to live fully instead of hiding who they are 'deep down'. I believe we are all here to evolve humanity forward in our own way but for many, they must unlearn who they were told to be in order to learn who they are here to be. Each one of us contributes to the collective quantum field - whether consciously or unconsciously. The science behind mindfulness shows the truth of who we are, the power of our minds and the strength of the love we feel.

Dear human - it is time to be who you came here to be - powerful creative genius being.

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