Just a little rant about how powerful you are.....I wrote it for another board but intuition said to share it here too....

in life •  7 years ago 

As above: we live in a quantum field, referred to as the aether in 1986 when it was confirmed (Journal of Nature, Aug. 86). This field is filled with plasma, also known as the forth state of matter (some argue, it should be the first). Plasma has an electric charge to it. Our body emits an electrical field also referred to as a biofield. This field has a frequency to it that is created from your thoughts and emotions. The strongest part of this field is emitted from the heart, 50x stronger than the second, the brain (the heart actually has a little brain with more messages going from the heart to the brain than the brain to the heart). You change your field based on your thoughts and emotions…this is why it is so important to become conscious, of your subconscious thoughts/programming.
K, so we have two fields now - the aether and the biofield. These two fields are in constant communication - 24 hours a day they communicate. Frequencies attract like frequencies - hence, the ‘law of attraction’. You quite literally attract everything you see, through your thoughts and emotions. What you focus on most, with an emotional charge, is what you will see in your reality.

Now for, so below. Your body contains 50 trillion cells, each of them conscious…you can actually see them moving around and making decisions. Your cells are listening to you - 24/7 and are directed by your thoughts and emotions (see epigenetics, Russian experiment or Emoto water experiment). Your thoughts and emotions are based on your beliefs. Your beliefs form your perception - all of which are stored in your subconscious mind. What you believe is what you will see. Wayne Dyer said, ‘you will see it when you believe it’. I use frequencies and vibrations to entrain cells into coherence and to shift energy in the biofield along with a biofield imagine device so people can actually see what is going on.

Stress, the number one cause of dis-ease and its on the rise. They say by 2020, it will be the second cause of disability and we can 100% control stress by becoming - you got it, conscious of your subconscious thoughts. You can shift your autonomic nervous system from sympathetic to parasympathetic with your thoughts and emotions - I use a biofeedback device so people can actually see and train themselves into this state.

I could go into all of the science behind it but for now, just my thoughts.

The problem is: the majority of western society lives 90-95% using their subconscious programming. You know the saying, goes something like this, ‘give the church the child and by the age of 7 he will belong to the church’. When we are born and to the age of seven, we operate in a different brain wave state, theta which is highly programmable. It is the same state hypnotists put people in. So for the first seven years, we are programmed by our parents, society, government, etc and most people, don’t even know it. Had parents who told you, you’re not good enough? Thats what you will see as an adult. Had parents who taught you how awesome of a human you are? Exactly what you will see.

We communicate with the quantum field to create our external reality and we communicate with 50 trillion cells to create our internal reality - both require coherence to operate efficiently. They are required to work together - if not, they create a state of dis-ease.

It is the time of the great awakening - shifts in energies - you can see it everywhere. In my opinion, this is the most exciting time to be alive - if you can become an observer of humanity and reallllly see whats going on.

I gotta say - my heart was pounding all weekend as I filled my brain with Quinn’s videos. Absolutely mind blown. I reached another level of consciousness…it is difficult to put into words my thoughts/feelings/energy I feel…from my perspective - this guy is here to change the world…I am eternally grateful and now, off to see where The God Code will take me.

Peace out brothers and sisters - be mindful of your thoughts, they contribute to the quantum field every moment of everyday. You have the power to contribute to the shift in consciousness - when one part of the holograph changes, it changes the whole holograph.

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