A crossroads

in life •  7 years ago 

Hi all!

It's been a crazy week since my last update. My last post was about a very exciting trading strategy I had devised. I am still refining it as of yet, but I still have hope that it is successful.

I kind of got way too excited about the strategy to be honest, I ended up losing a lot of sleep and pretty much burning out last week. I also have been working full time as a truck driver, chasing the markets and doing a bit of video editing for a local tour company. On top of that there's all the regular stuff, we have a foster cat that we are looking after, obviously I do my best to take care of my wife but it seems she is taking care of me right now. It's just all getting a bit much.

So, I guess you could say I am at a crossroads. I have some decisions to make. I haven't been terribly successful yet after 3 months in the crypto game. I have some opportunities arising in my area of interest, video editing. I still need to work a fair bit to reach our savings goal for a trip to the Amercas next year. And I need to be a better husband.

I have one question for my readers. Would you be interested in this being more of a travel blog? It is a bit of everything at the moment but if the demand is there, I could consolidate it into a more focussed channel. Here is a sample of the type of video content you can expect if I head down that route...

I guess its a culmination of my hobbies and my train of thought. An artist's impression.

Anyway, let me know!

peace, love and light


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