That was a wonderful start to spring in England, Snowstorm Emma!stolentissue (40) in life • 7 years ago It all started on Monday, the 26th of February. It started snowing a lot, before that we had no rain for about 2-3 days. The ground was dry, so there was a chance the snow could stick. The next day we woke up to this: Head over to Wednesday, Schools started to close, it was hard to drive or walk anywhere. That was just the beginning, by Friday it was storming out. The worst of Snowstorm Emma had hit: This was at 3:40 P.M. There was nowhere you could walk without snow, it was everywhere. The lakes where frozen, shops closed early. But the next day it was all gone. A spring shower on Saturday washed it all out. It is warmer out, the sun is shining. Spring is here. life blog photography worldofphotography stormphotography