Why does looking at green vegetation feel like meditation?

in life •  7 years ago 

On my morning walk I often find myself looking the most at green vegetation and water. I wonder if it's because they are the foundation of life?

Recently I went on a hiking trip with 700 people on a densely forested mountain and when we went deep into the forest, there was an amazing feeling that filled me. It's hard to describe because it's not your everyday feeling, especially if you spend loots of time in a city and a stressful environment. The best way I can describe it is it's like what you feel after you clear your mind during meditation. It's that type of energy, but even more natural, more universal. It's like plugging yourself at the tap of life.

The hike was from 9AM to 5PM and when we got down to the village and had the free dinner, you could feel that you where not the same. In a way I felt rejuvenated. And I could see the smiles and energy from other hikers and most where from big cities and was their only outing in green nature in over a year.

Can looking at singular vegetation do something similar? I think it does. Why do people keep plants in their apartments and houses. I think vegetation as a source the feeds all life on this planet, has some special energy that it conveys to us when we take the time to truly appreciate it. It has that amazing natural factory that can convert raw energy from the sun and raw materials from the ground and air and make life out of it.

So on my morning walk if I see an interesting plant or flower I take a moment to appreciate it. Think of the complexity of trillions and trillions of cells which had to come together to build that beauty.

This is the view from the balcony of my apartment. There where hundreds of apartments for rent in this complex and the lady from the leasing office showed me a few. The moment she opened the door and I could see all that lush green vegetation through the glass sliding door, I knew that was the unit I wanted! It's very had to have a bad day when you have that beauty right in front of you!

What's amazing about this planet is that everywhere I have been, there was amazing green vegetation. This planet is so blessed, and we are so lucky that we can enjoy it and enrich our lives from it. And it's free and available to every person on Earth.

What about you? What in nature do you like?

My wish to you is that may your every day on this planet be worth living - Stranded Alien

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Did you know, green is also the color of healing? It's no wonder we always feel so renewed and "healed" after time in nature. Great post!

I didn't know that @bellekaur. Thanks for sharing that.

Dear @strandedalien, plants and trees definitely have healing benefits. If you just look inside of simple plant leaf through microscope, it can be seen how complex it is. When we are in nature, we get more into that "harmony" which at the end reflects our mood and thinking. Thanks for this mindful post :)

Thanks for the feedback @alexcote. I'll keep sharing my observation of this amazing planet Earth. I feel lucky to have a chance to observe it and it never ceases to amaze me!

Exactly, we should be grateful to have privilege to enjoy in it, and make sure as individuals we keep it clean :)

I couldn't agree with you more @alexcote!

I remember coming across something somewhere recently that said green helps to 'refresh the eyes' (perhaps the visual cortex) after looking at computer screens for too long. Green is generally unrepresented in computer screen imagery, and our eyes become tired looking at so much blue and red. Spending some time looking at green then resets our ability to tell the difference between subtle variations of blue and red again.

That is a very good point @antonchanning. I do get tired of looking at the laptop since I work online and I take breaks often and try to look outside and you are right that looking at green does help. Ultimately I wish they would make a laptop like the Kindle paper-white black and white screen that thing is amazing for eyes almost like looking at paper. Thanks for the feedback @antonchanning.