The Nature Of Acquired and Academic Knowledge

in life •  6 years ago 

The natural process for our species is to first acquire knowledge. Then we turn it into academic knowledge able to be transferred one to another.


Academic knowledge is the attempt to establish the greatest probability within infinite possibility. Acquired knowledge is an attempt to search infinite possibility to establish a workable probability.

Acquired Knowledge

A person acquiring knowledge first looks to the Unknown. Only in the Unknown can one find infinite possibility. Acquiring knowledge is motivated by the inability to identify the value needed to self determine through available, teachable knowledge. Even if the knowledge is already academic in some way, the need in species to apply it to the individual in unique ways becomes active in certain individuals. Sometimes the knowledge is available academically but not understood.

This can be the result of individuals who require a different terminology for understanding. It can also be an initial rejection of the value of the knowledge due to spiritual belief, culture, heredity and other factors in an individual. Often by re defining existing knowledge under new terminology new perspectives enrich and evolve academic knowledge

Some acquired knowledge cannot be taught

Because acquired knowledge is a product the unknown, it is often only understood within each one. The experience of the individual is subjective in nature. Therefore, though the experiences which led to the knowledge can be taught, it is still viewed by other individuals as subjective and perhaps only applicable to individuals like the one sharing their experience. It is often considered theory

Subjective, acquired knowledge is existential to species variety, which is necessary for survivability and sustainability in nature
In this world, everything that has a beginning has an end. Because all academic knowledge springs first from acquired knowledge, even academic knowledge becomes subjective and mutates over time. The science of today is different from that of even 20 years ago. Each question answered leads to 3 more questions asked. this is the nature and value of acquired knowledge. Acquired knowledge is the ability of species to evolve in nature.


Academic Knowledge

A person learning and teaching knowledge first looks to all known theories and applications. They then apply them to achieve the greatest probabilities, in individual habit and collective enterprise. Because teachable academic knowledge relies on establishing a reasonable probability of success, it is essential in all systems of enterprise. Academics produces the mechanisms that increase the value of acquired knowledge.

All teachable knowledge is a product of acquired

Because teachable knowledge is a product of the greatest known probabilities it must be organized and interconnected in the social order. The experience of the collective is provided with objective results on which decisions can be calculated and planned. Therefore, though knowledge in academics can lead to acquired knowledge as well. this knowledge is only seen when applied to teachable knowledge and is considered more objective than knowledge acquired apart from knowledge divorced from credential. Academic knowledge is the ability of species to thrive in nature.

Academic knowledge creates conformities of purpose in the social order

Different systems of academic knowledge can be applied to various temporary systems of conformity which increase the value of each one in the social order. Because all conformity is purpose driven and the ultimate purpose of our species is still unknown. all systems of conformity are by their nature, useful for a limited amount of time. As knowledge is acquired both in and out of academics and continually introduced and made teachable, social order will thrive.

Acquired Knowledge Updates Teachable Knowledge Implements

Both are important to our ability to interact in Creation. Both can be useful in everyday life. When looking for the missing piece, acquired knowledge is sometimes more useful. Often it is a challenge to existing common knowledge on a subject. Sometimes the missing piece may already exist in academia. Often acquired knowledge offers clues to uncovering existing academic knowledge.

Our current governing classes are discounting acquired knowledge to the detriment of the social order. This is causing a disconnection and distrust of the integrity of our social order by all other classes. The governing classes often hastily designate acquired knowledge as hearsay and dangerous to the current efficient social order, under their authority. Creating a teachable framework for acquiring more objective and less subjective knowledge, will optimize the ability to update and implement new information in the social order, within the process of nature and Creation.

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