The Philosophy of Instinctualism Understanding Instinct, Inspiration and Intuition

in life •  6 years ago 

Featuring the Artwork of Iris Scott

Instinctualism identifies the natural process of turning acquired knowledge into academic knowledge.
instinct-COVER 2.jpg

Instinctualism is a common language for a modern culture, based on the understanding of instinct Understanding instinct is the key to understanding our purpose in the natural order. By developing a language to identify clearly observable and unstoppable processes in our species and their ceaseless effects on behavior and perception, we identify more easily the instinctual basis of acquired knowledge and our various cosmologies. The purpose of a species is locked into the wiring of instinct. Acquired knowledge is the birthplace of academic knowledge. All knowledge is acquired by instinct.

Instinctualism and instinct
noun in·​stinct | \ ˈin-ˌstiŋ(k)t \

Definition of instinct
(Entry 1 of 2)

1: a natural or inherent aptitude, impulse, or capacityhad an instinct for the right word 2a: a largely inheritable and unalterable tendency of an organism to make a complex and specific response to environmental stimuli without involving reason b: behavior that is mediated by reactions below the conscious level

Instinctualism An Academic Etymology of Natural Species Instinct

Understanding how our species natural instincts work in Creation, is the key to understanding the process that underlines all human activity, and perception at all levels. Once our natural instincts are accurately observed, the unifying, divisive, terrifying, edifying purposes of species are more easily understood and applied to daily life. If a universal purpose is to be found, it must not only be evident in the cosmologies or our vision but in our genes as well. Instinctualism is an anthropomorphic, etymology, for identifying the role of instinct, inspiration, and intuition, perpetually acted upon within our species.

Our perception of Creation or the unknown, is individualized in our nature, for variety, and adaptability in nature, by design. Therefore a common language to identify the natural process that guides individual perception, based on common functions no person is capable of escaping from, no matter what they do, is vital to our evolution. Instincts are defined by Miriam Webster above. If they are instincts, they are shared by everyone. and can be defined in language. Instinctualism is an etymology for instinct, intuition and inspiration.

The more you can identify the process the more you will feel at home in the process.


  1. Perception of Our Life as a Product of The Unknown: Singularity of Perception; GOD

  2. Self Determination: Active individualization of perception

  3. Establish Value - Passive Individualization

  4. Seek Social Order, Interconnection of Individual Perception

  5. Establish Individual Identity and purpose within all that is perceived


The First Instinct Unfold the Unknown
Our first perception of life, or Creation is of the unknown. It remains the last thing we face. All of our actions in life from our first breath to our last is to unravel the unknown. No one can say what decision they made to get here or what, if any, decisions they will make after passing, other than by faith. We all experience the unknown in different ways according to the on off wiring of programming at birth governing our next two instincts.


Second and Third Instincts, Self Determine and Establish Value
The action of unraveling the unknown is guided instantaneously at birth by our two active and passive instincts respectively. They are to self determine, and establish value. You are doing it now by reading this. Determining what your life will be and what will give it the most value. It is all our species does in nature whether awake or in our dreams. We reason the unknown, through our instinct to perceive what has the most value upon which to act.

The Fourth, Connect Within A Social Order
The first value that is known to us is social order and it is the first place we seek survival. It is the first and primary value of species.

The Fifth, Establish Identity and Purpose
Once the first four instincts are engaged we begin to personally identify with all that we perceive and establish our identity in our every action in every place we are with every thing we touch, including each other.

The 5 Instincts Govern The Eternal Sequence and Purpose of People

If our purpose in nature is to be found, it must be found in the function of our natural instincts. The purpose of the insect in nature is defined by it's instincts, It feeds the bird who also has instincts which fulfill a purpose in nature and so on. Since we have now clearly identified our primary instincts, it is useful to examine how they eternally function at all times within us, beyond our control.

In effect it can be said that they all occur instantaneously at birth. However they do fire in sequence and one leads to another and then work simultaneously in the subconscious and areas our our conscious perception, throughout our life. No one can control this process, but we can choose to co-create within it. We are already co creating in nature according to these unstoppable instincts. Instinctualism allows one to understand the limitless individual possibilities within this natural process, which is fixed beyond our comprehension and ability to control. We are born into it from the uncontrollable Unknown of Creation. Therefore, our ability to co-create within the unknown is limited by our perception of the process and it's purpose (if any). Becoming personally identified with ultimate species outcome beyond the purpose of the natural order, which remains unknown, to any one individual is a fools errand. It forms the meaning of attachment desire, leading to the cycle of sorrow and joy, tragedy and triumph in Buddhism. It is living outside of the Golden Rule in Christianity.

Instinctualism is the Philosophers Stone of Scientific and Spiritual Cosmology
Instinctualism is the product of many thought leaders in the area of science and spiritual, religious thought both past and present. IRUUR1 has recently published two outlines, applying the natural process of People to our ability to function in Creation.

PEOPLE: Cosmology of Species
PEOPLE: Learn The 5 Primal Instincts Governing Species Functionality, Survival and Evolution

Instinctualism As An Art Form
Instinctualism is finger painting, the most basic approach to art where the human is the paintbrush, Insticualism as a philosophy is a simple approach to creativity in life. All the artwork presented and linked to in this document establishing Instinctualism as a philosophy is finger painting by Iris Scott who calls her finger painting style Instinctualism. Please follow the links and learn more about the art and artist creating this amazing art form.

Iris Scott is not an official advocate for the philosophy of Instinctualism. Her art is her own and should be appreciated, and is presented here as the brilliant work it is in it's own right.


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