How To Be HAPPIER ! Every Single Day ! 🌷

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi steemits friends,

I know everyday is a new challenge in life and sometimes things doesn’t go the way we wanted it. Personally, I am a heavy-thinker and I tend to put a lot on my shoulders. Yes, I have fear for failure just like any other person. Sometimes to a point where I can’t sleep and drain myself out.

But I realized to succeed in life its all about perspectives. I try to ask myself every time I start having negative thoughts. Where will this feelings/emotions get me?. The answer is nowhere!. Every obstacle will make me grow and bloom to become a better person .!!!

So I want to share some ways to make you all Happy.
Guys it’s time that we wake up every morning and say. “This is going to be the best day in my life”. 😊


Think Like this and you’ll be happy everyday….

1.Enjoy Life

Give yourself permission to say yes to things that will lift you up. Make time to read personal development books, and be compassionate towards yourself. When you have time, Make time to relax and reconnect with yourselves and make time for positive relationships you have with friends and family. Also, What I love to do when I’m a bit lost is travel. Visit New places and cultures to open our horizons and get new/creative ideas. Lastly, remember and accepting that you are not going to feel 100% happy all the time. Life is one big rollercoaster!! And when it rains, it doesn't stay forever.


It’s better for yourself to learn to smile and let things go and shift your focus to positive things in your life. Everybody has flaws and has their own behavior in dealing with different situations. Remember that forgiving is something you do for yourself to make you heal. It is all about accepting the facts that it happened, You acknowledge the feeling and the reality that it has passed.


Mediation doesn’t only makes you calmer, more peaceful and focused but is has been shown that mediating before sleep will improve your sleeping cycle and it’s even been used for insomnia and sleeping disorders. Take time for yourself away from the outside world sometimes for body, mind and soul.


The happiest people are happy with what they have in life. It is easy to be grateful when things are going well. Yet, hard even you’re encountering a downward situation. Always remember that you can always find good even during the hardest times. Be thankful to people in your life and contribute to this world and helping other people improve their lives is the ultimate reward, because not only you are happy but they are as well. Last but not less ,You can feel more grateful in life if you are using more positive and more enlightening words. Eliminate words that would make you feel bad.

Thank you so much for reading this. I’m so thankful to you all for your read and comments. Steemit is one of the best thing I ever started. I was in a confusing time of my life before I started. I feel that this platform has gotten me stood up right on my path. Everyday I wake up more appreciative with life and ready to shine my big bight smile!.


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Thank you for sharing your feelings with us! I am a big thinker too to the point that I cannot sleep, haha.... Neverthelles, I am taking it more and more easy as years are passing by..... Just enjoying every moment you get! On that account try to watch few series of Abraham Hicks - The law of attraction, might change the way you look at the world and things around you! Tomas

Yes, I feel like the older we get we learn to nurture your soul and let go of the negative things. Perhaps it's a human instinct?, yet some people can really let go.

Abraham Hicks; very unique advice and positive spin on life’s problems - even though it’s all New Age Programming written to steer you away from dealing with negativity and taking on the system. I use to listen and watch hours of Esther Hicks, with her quirky fun comments to improve my state. It worked! As they say ‘it works, if you work it.’

Very good advices to be happier everyday, you're right in dark time we tend to forget better days are coming, we let negative thoughts lead our mood.

Then we start to do more what make us feel better short term but worse long term , exemple skip sport and drink or watch tv.

What can save us from destructive loop : Good daily routine where we do what our body and mind need to feel great as you said meditation , sport , positive thinking, communicate, discover new culture, pleasure to learn, enjoy simple things of life, make sure we sleep anought and well, eat healthy...

Wow you sound so wise for your age! I agree with a lot of your points and advice. Life is all about perspective. Love your posts, I'm a fan.

Also, I just made a contest post about anime. If you have the time, please support your fellow Steemian and enter the contest :).

Here's the link. Thank you!

.Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored
..thanks for sharing
kindle upvote any article on my page.

yes if expectations are too high disappointment becomes proportional -- keep things in perspective am following you and upvoting now

To release attachments and move on, after venting and forgiving others, people need to be told to forgive themselves.

but girl can rock a good red lippy! -- boom! -- my uplifting song for the day should help with positivity, especially for people travelling and wanting to get out there in the world! :)

Thank you so much !! Lovely song choice there !

Great post, I agree that forgiveness, and gratitude are two great traits to have. If you work at these traits your life will be much happier, because you will see things in a more positive light. Thank You!

Inspiration right here, that's for sharing @suerisue! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I liked the Meditate part.

Usually every one says to meditate in early morning to pump fresh oxygen to lungs.

You are the first person i heard saying to meditate before sleep. Will give a try. Nice post.
Following you !!

Yes, people who tend to deal with stess and meditate before they sleep helps them let things go and approach inner peace.


That gif's reminded me of this :) have a great day.

Hahaha yes it does !!! Thank you

I like the forgiving part. It really liberates your soul!
ps: I think item 2 and 3 markdown has a bit of problem. I am seeing the ** signs

:) Thank you

thank you for sharing

Keep your circle small and stay away from crappy people.

True that !!!

I think gratitude plays a very crucial role. When we are grateful, we eventually see the best in most things and that influences happiness.

Very good post and good advice. Everyday wake up in the morning, you can choose to start your day with a smile. That's help making your day happier.

Nice one @suerisue. Busting out the positive vibes and passing it out like candy ;) Have a great day!

Great post, it's nice to see people happy and showing other people how they can be happier. Followed. I'm very new on this but if you like science, check out my profile you might like it!

Live the day like is the last day in your life . and be positive and your happiness will come very fast....