Healthier Ways, Norwegian Spring & Fruit Salad

in life •  7 years ago 

This has been the most beautiful spring I can remember in Norway. It’s been sunny almost all of May and I’m not mad about it. Spring is all about new life, new beginnings and bright future in my mind.


For the last ten years I’ve been chasing a career, getting and education, figuring out who I am an, living a busy life and a little unhealthy.
Sure, I eat green smoothies and kale, but I also lead a lifestyle that maybe isn’t the healthiest for mind and body. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not doing drugs or anything, but you know! A glass of wine (or maybe bottle) here and a chocolate bar there. Throw in some late nights, working 15 hours, not taking care of my self, not working out and little relaxing downtime and there you have me. I think we all could try to do more good for ourselves.


I’m turning 31 this summer and I think it’s about time I slow down and take better care of myself.

I also have this feeling that 1st of January should be in the springtime, maybe 1st of June is when my year should start from now on? Living June to June!


This is what I intend to do:

  • More Kundalini yoga

  • Go for walks in nature (and share some of that Norwegian beautiful nature with you guys)

  • Double my intake of fruit and veggies

  • Get more sleep

Why do I share this with you? It usually helps to tell the world about lifestyle changes. Hold me accountable or ask me how it’s going!

Not going to lie - if I shed a few pounds I’m not gonna be mad about it. But I do this first of all to get more energy and to feel healthier.

Grapes, kiwi, blueberries, strawberries and orange.

Notice how there are none “stop doing this” and “do less”. I want everything to have a positive angle and I want to concentrate on stuff I want, not things I want to get rid off.

I hope this inspires you if you also felt a bit “meh” during January - April!

Keep in min that I live in Norway. It’s basically dark and winter from October to March!

Everything is so green and pretty here now! I love it.


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I totally agree with you @Susanne, this must be the best spring here in Norway like in decades. Here in Fredrikstad it is 28 degrees celcius and we have been skinny-dipping in the ocean for some days already.

Beautiful post! 🍓🍏🍌🥝🍒🍊❤️

I know that our mood sometimes depends on the weather, whether it is rainy, dark or sunny, but it always depends on that, but I encourage you to meet your goals and improve soon, but also to tell you that this variety of fruits looks great, hopefully I could enjoy each one of them but here in my country is something difficult, I send you a warm greeting from Venezuela.

So smart of you to post your goals for everyone to see! You are totally right when you said you are posting this so we can hold you accountable. Everyone that is on a fitness journey, whether you are 1 day in or 1 year in, needs people to have their back. It is so much easier to have people pushing you and helping you stay on track!

You have me in your corner and I think those lifestyle changes all sound great to live a healthier life! Keep sharing and updating us on your progress and maybe you will inspire a few others to take charge or their health like you are!

Follow and an upvote from me! :) Cheers to a healthy 2018! :)

You are awesome, don't forget that . :)

I think the weather makes so much difference to how we eat.

I, for one, crave stodgy food during the Winter so that I can keep warm with that extra layer of "coating" ;) and then in the Spring and Summer I crave salads and fruit and much lighter foods generally (oh and more "chilled drinks" - oops).

I blame Northern hemisphere climates, it's not our fault (surely?)!!!

Looks colorful and delicious. I love fruits at at any time. I tried different Yoga types before, also Kundalini yoga, but somehow I liked Yin Yoga. Easy and relaxing :)

Fine colors, and fruit and berries are healthy and good. Yes, you have had a wonderful May month in southern Norway, in the north it's not particularly nice, a lot of rain and wind, and not many days with over 10 degrees. But there will be plenty of summer weather here north too, at least for a few days.😀🌸

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Yes! More Norwegian nature please!!!

the story of your life journey is full of busyness. you also get what you want. your hard work is worth it. but it certainly requires persistence and skill.

your description also inspires me to concentrate on my activities. and all that green makes me really like.

Yeah, the walks in nature and sleep is truly important.

Before I came to Steemit I virtually didn't use any AI at all because I actually enjoy being in nature, reading books, having authentic conversations, experiencing adventures much more than engaging in virtual on-goings. In a sense, I feel as if the real reawakening of wonder and marvel only returns once the external circumstances have truly aligned with our inner world, because we are just so aware of our inner work that we want to "get certain things done for good" before we can 100% enjoy everything again it its purest essence.

So Steemit is basically a double-edged sword for me: on the one hand it promises more Freedom, on the other it comes at the temporary cost of my Soul resonant living.

Enjoy your day :)

Those strawberries look amazing! Smaller and more "real" than the gigantic ones we see in California... bigger but most have less flavor. I miss the ones grown in my home garden as a kid...