"I have no time, I have to deal with problems!"

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Let's see: Do you say this or similar sentence often? There are problems in business, yes, but it is vital for you to concentrate on things other than just constantly extinguishing some fires. Why and how to do it? You will find out in this article. 

"I have no time at all" my client told me recently - manager. "I don't manage to do anything. I push everything in front of me. I keep rescheduling many important tasks, because I don't have time for them.“ "So, what do you do whole day at work?" I asked. "I keep solving some problems," was the answer. 

What is really important? 

There are many managers and entrepreneurs who have the same feeling. They devote most of their time to dealing with day-to-day, operational problems, and as a result the don't have tome for really important things. What are actually the really important things managers should deal with? For example:

  • Strategic considerations about the future of the department or firm
  • Setting goals for themselves and their subordinates
  • Providing feedback to subordinates and their ongoing evaluation
  • Receiving feedback from external or internal clients
  • Coaching of subordinates
  • Development of subordinates
  • Their own development

Good managers should devote at least 80% of their time to these things. If you're sitting in a managerial chair, try to guess how are you doing in this area. How much time do you actually devote to these things? What other things you devote your time to and why? 


One of the reasons why many managers struggle with time and are overloaded with an operative work is the lack of delegation skills. Or, more often, reluctance to delegate, fear of delegation. 

Why do so many managers refuse delegation? The usual concerns include:

  • Explaining to someone how to do it will give me more work than if I do it myself. 
  • The job will not be done as well as if I do it myself.
  • This  task is complex and the subordinate will not know what to do when some complications occur.
  • If I give people too much power, I will lose control over them.
  • I will not have an overview of how the task is doing, and if my supervisor or client asks me, I will not be able to answer it.

 In fact, the real causes of the resistance to delegation are:

  • Our feeling of irreplaceability ( "I'm an expert. I do it best.“)
  • Our ego, a sense of personal meaning and importance ( "I have to know everything and have everything under control.")
  • Anxiety to leave something that we know well or what we enjoy.
  • Distrust in the worker's abilities ( "They can not do it.")

And how about you? Do you delegate your work? Please leave your comment below.

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