I have had one of those weeks. It’s Friday and I am utterly exhausted. My 4-year-old son came down with the flu on Monday and since then my entire household has had sleepless nights. We are all cranky and unwell. We are hot. We are bothered. We are tired of cooping ourselves indoors to get good rest.
So, tonight I decided to unwind a little and treat myself to a long bath and a glass of crisp red wine (yes, I drink red wine with ice – the scandal)! As I lay in the warm water, I started to think. I do most of my philosophical thinking in the tub. And I thought to myself…I AM HAPPY!
As tired as I am, as stretched as I am. I am happy.
And this is the message I want to share with my fellow moms…
- You are allowed to be exhausted
- You are allowed to be grumpy
- You are allowed to feels stressed
- You are allowed to feel like you want a break from your kids (and your husband)
- You are allowed to wish for “me time”
Because all of these things do not mean that you are ungrateful or unhappy.
This week tested my limits. I had good days where I was super mom and bad days where I yelled at my kids for the smallest of things. There were days where I fed my family vegetables and days where we lived off of plastic 2-minute noodles. There were moments where I wanted to strangle my hubby and there moments where I wanted to ug him for being so supportive and ready to do what he needed to do.
Not once was I not happy. Happiness doesn’t mean that you need to smile all of the time. It doesn’t mean that you have nothing to complain about. It doesn’t mean that you are always going to be supermom.
Sometimes, as a mom, we just get so exhausted that we forget we are happy…that’s all.
I hope my bath-time ramblings make sense to you all.