Food Friday! Japanese foods help to refresh the taste buds in the mouth. 日本菜是伦敦夏天里的一阵清风。

in life •  9 years ago  (edited)

Food Friday! Japanese, Brazilian and Peruvian? Is that even a style? Apparently so..


"The secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside." - Mark Twain

I once read an article in a food magazine which said English culinary delicacies are as bare as a sandy desert.I guess they were referring to the more monotonous fish and chip dishes. In actual fact, its not the English dishes that attract the foodie's attention in London, rather, it's the restaurants which deliver the best foreign foods.

As I searched London for places to dine at, Japanese restaurant's seemed to have a really good reputations. I decided to see for myself...

In the summer, having mild Japanese foods help to refresh the taste buds in the mouth, it also helps you adjust from the irritant and stimulating foods which are often too spicy, oily or be laden with unhealthy ingredients, to the light flavours.



Sushi Samba is an "in the sky" restaurant that specialises in Japanese and South American food. They label themselves as a new style fusion restaurant with it's foundations based on Japanese tastes, injecting the flares of Brazilian and Peruvian styles into the mix.

Sushi Samba is situated in the financial district, in the 46 story Heron Tower building on the 38th and 39th floors. I arrived at ground level in my heels and noticed that the lift's to the 38th floor was excruciatingly slow. I guess the slow ascension in the lift is to allow customers to enjoy the night view of London for a little longer. From the restaurant level floor, you can get a panoramic view of the city which is really beautiful, certainly the restaurant's reputation for having great views and being "in the sky" is not a rumour but actual fact.

Sushi Samba是一家主打日本料理和南美菜系的空中餐厅,它就像是“混血菜系“的新生儿,它在日料的基础上,融入了巴西和秘鲁菜系的特色。Sushi Samba开在了金融城,它位于有46层高的Heron Tower的第38层和第39层,去这一家餐厅的路上,我踩着高跟鞋,在电梯里站了好久好久,电梯上升的很慢,大概是为了让客人们在用餐前先好好欣赏一下伦敦的美景。因为所在楼层也没有特别高,所以可以把伦敦的建筑看得更清楚,伦敦的美景全方位地尽收眼底,它确实是一家名副其实的“空中餐厅”。



This sushi uses sauce traditionally for Brazilian BBQ Meats, the difference is tiny but noticeable and is actually a pleasant surprise. Light flavoured sushi with a bit of Spice and a bit of Sweetness gives a strange but compelling taste that keeps you coming back for more.

Getting a reservation at Sushi Samba is notoriously difficult, even more so if you expect a table by the window with good view. A reservation for such a table would require booking 3 months in advance.

At the time I made a reservation, I made them aware it was for a birthday occasion so the chef was very sweet and thoughtful writing Happy Birthday on our dessert.

After dinner, we retreated to the floor just below where the bar is situated. We didn't expect to find so many people there watching football. Apparently it was a World Cup game for which the spectators were very wild and rowdy in support of their respective teams. This atmosphere contrasted with the backdrop of London night time setting, made this visit a truly cherish-able experience and one worth remembering.

这里的寿司撒上了一些用于制作巴西烤肉的秘制的烧烤酱汁,增添了一丝惊喜地味道。清淡的寿司配上辣和甜的味觉冲击,让人忍不住想多吃好几个。事实上,这家餐厅的位置非常难定,如果想要坐在窗边欣赏风景的最佳位置,可能要提前3个月预订。因我我们预订的时候有注明我们是生日用餐,所以在饭后的甜点上,厨师用心的写上了Happy Birthday。用餐后我们又来到楼下的酒吧坐了一会,因为电视上正在直播世界杯足球赛,所以酒吧里的球迷就疯狂了,映衬着这样美好的伦敦全景,确实是一段美好的用餐回忆。




This restaurant is called UMU, it's the only Kyoto style Japanese restaurant in the UK. It's located just off the downtown area off Oxford Street London and is a regarded very highly amongst food connoisseurs. As such, it has received the highly coveted Michelin 3 Star Award. I remember on that day, me and my friends just got back from a trip to Oxford and I was already feeling very lethargic as well as very hungry.
As soon as i sat down, I ordered a variety of Sushi's and not surprisingly, I was able to finish eating it all. I ended up ordering a few more Sushi's as I still wasn't quite full.

This restaurant has a very high rate of repeat customers, and, even at 9:30, the restaurant is still buzzing with activity, tables fully packed down to the last seat.



Sushi des Artistes London. A name that immediately speaks the significance of art, and what more than having the most meticulously presented dishes served exactly like a work of art. Salmon Sashimi is served on a tiny frame, and along side it, a rotating lamp, itself like a work of art. With all this beautiful art, it was difficult to set about actually eating anything.

A little nibble and I could already taste the meat was fresh and yet delicate. The cutting was of course of the highest standard, no complaints at all.

It would seem that this restaurants reputation was rightfully earned, not only are their dishes served in such a way that 'serves' their name justice, but the taste is also of top quality.

One of my friend's particularly likes the taste of Plum Wine, so the manager on duty quickly prepared a unique cocktail of plum wine for us on the fly. From that day forth, i've also fallen in love with the taste of Plum Wine.
Sushi des artistes london听到这个名字就会知道,与艺术有关的日本料理。上菜之后发现果然摆盘特别精细,三文鱼刺生是挂在架子上的,好像是旋转的台灯,又像是一件艺术品,完全让我们不忍心动筷子了。浅尝几口,发现肉质非常鲜嫩可口,刀工也是可圈可点的。看来这家店不仅是名字好听,摆盘花哨,原来名不虚传,味道也是一流的。因为其中一位我的朋友很喜欢品尝每家店的梅子酒,热情的老板立刻为我们先调了世界上独一无二的梅子酒,味道很香醇,从那天起,我也爱上了梅子酒。


Inamo is located in the heart of Soho, an area known for its Gay Pride, and buzzing bars, but also it's ultra trendy fashion conscious visitors. At this restaurant, every table has it's own projector which projects a screen onto the table. You can touch the table directly to order your foot, and the system will respond to your actions.
Whilst waiting for food to be served, there's a few other features you can play with to help kill the waiting time. One, is play multiplayer games with your eating companion, or, take a look at the kitchen camera and watch as your Chef prepares and cooks your food.

One of the draw backs of having this wonderful piece of technology, is that it draws the attention away from actually eating. I recall, my entire time spent at the restaurant was playing with the projector system, I barely had any appetite to eat!


This little gem of a restaurant is called IKeda. It's located in the end corner of a big street. The size is not very big but the decor of the place is every bit exquisite. You can tell from the presentation of the food as it is served, that this restaurant whilst small, is by no means small in reputation or quality.



These are a few of London's more famous noodle places. I visit these places on a fairly regular basis, my favourite part is the soft boiled coddle egg, it's so delicious, rich in aroma and flavour.

Next time you visit London, be sure to visit one of their Japanese restaurants and taste for yourself, the fresh taste Japanese food can bring to you.





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  ·  9 years ago 



Yeap. Makes me hungry for Japanese. With no Japanese restaurants for miles, I'm gonna have to settle for Taco Bell (if I'm lucky) or a Subway "sandwich" with fake bread.

Never settle! Subway is so bad!

I like sushi, great post and review.

Thanks !

All my life I loved Japanese cuisine with its subtle notes on the palate and easy supply of food , and here and every dish is a work of art !! I'm excited

Food looks delicious. I have to admit that I'm jealous. I never ate anything that extravagant in my life.

Every time I read your post, it's like a new girl. Unbelievable makeup!

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