I'm an expert UFO Catcher , gotta catch em all! 你们不会相信,其实我是抓娃娃专家。

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)


For a while, I was really into playing the claw crane game otherwise known as UFO Catcher. As I played more, and accumulated my winnings, my house rapidly became a plushy paradise. These are all the plushy's i've won from playing various games, the smaller ones are all won from UFO Catcher



Most of you will probably have had some experience with UFO Catchers, whether in China or Abroad, any arcade or theme park will have plenty of these games.




So, can you really catch a toy from these UFO Catchers? The answer is a definite YES! However, if you had hopes of trying to game the system and profit from winning these toys and selling them on ebay then you will be disappointed.



In my experience, UFO Catchers are about gaming the probability and not as much about skill. Every machine has a payout quota that requires a certain about of money to be paid in before the claws are tight. Once this quota is met, the claws will be fully tight and the only thing you have to worry about is aiming precisely. When the the claws are tight, it doesn't matter if the toy is far, or heavy, as long as you have aimed the claws well, then once the toy is up, it won't fall.



So, knowing that the system works on a min deposit to payout probability, we can focus on how to ensure maximum opportunity in securing a toy each and every try so that when the claws are tight, we can be successful.

I. Take a look at the UFO Catcher machine.

  1. Observe the machine and try to see if other's have tried to win a toy. If the toys seemed to be left there and nobody has won, then the payout percentage may be too low. Machine payouts are adjusted by the operator and low payout percentage machines you can generally avoid.
  2. Take a look at the exit gaurd panels, if they are quite high, you can also think about avoiding this machine.
  3. Observe the players before you and see how much they have deposited into the machine. If they have put alot into the machine but not won a toy, then the machine is being 'pumped' prime for you to win a toy. They would be charging up the machine to reach the minimum deposit for payout and then leaving it to you.
  4. Take a look at the way the toys have been arragned. If the toy you like is obstructed by another toy or the part of its body that you can grab is very small, then you can give it a try another time. Go for ones with with the best likelihood for a clean grab. The toys with a large head, aim the claws at the head, if the toy's hands and feet allow the claws to fixate easier, then aim the claw towards the body of toy.


I. 观察抓娃娃机

  1. 来到抓娃娃机面前,先了解一下你前面有没有试过这台娃娃机,如果它很久没有抓起来娃娃,可能是这台娃娃机的最大抓力的比例太小了,所以你可以忽略这台娃娃机。
  2. 观察一下,如果挡板过高,也可以考虑放弃这台抓娃娃机。
  3. 如果你前面有人花了很多钱,也没有抓住娃娃就放弃了,这时候你的机会就来了,因为也许到你的时候,正是第100次,也就是抓力最大的一次。
  4. 先观察一下娃娃的摆放情况,如果你喜欢的娃娃被压在其他娃娃下面,或者摆放的姿势位置是小的部分处于被抓范围,那么最放弃这个娃娃,去抓其他没有被阻挡的,离出口近的。头比较大的娃娃要抓头,如果娃娃的手脚位置比较好固定爪子,那么就抓娃娃的身体。


II. The Claw's final placement has to be accurate.

I usually use my phone as a rule of measure when aligning the claws to my target. When moving the claws, you should move them smoothly and steadilyy, for example, as you move the claws horizontally, even when you stop the claws with the joystick, the claws continue to shake as a result of it's moment of inertia. Wait, then continue perpendicular motion when the claws are stationary. Of course, you must do all this whilst keeping an eye out on the count down timer. If the timer runs out, the claws will automatically descend. (Some guides will say that you should push the 'go' button again when the claws reach the head or body of the toy for maximum claw strength, but from my own experience, this has not been conclusively true. It may be better to adopt this strategy on items close to the gaurd panels)

II. 爪子最后安放的位置要准确。



III. Maintain a happy and positive attitude.

In important part of playing UFO Catchers is to maintain a positive attitude and be happy. Whether you catch 1 , 10 or none at all, the point of the game is to have fun. Of course, the easier alternative to obtaining the toys is to just buy them, but then where is the fun in that?

III. 保持开心的状态



I hope my tips and small guide will help you to winning your favourite plushy's, either for yourself, or your loved ones!


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great title for this post would be "what do you do when your life is perfect"

follow @craig-grant

good suggestion

Is this a parable about how to write a popular post on Steemit?

  ·  8 years ago 


哈哈 下次试试我的建议^_^

You must have a huge collection... and the white kitten is so adorable.

A few hundred and counting! Cat's only 12 , but counting! You can see a few pics of him in my post about cats if you like to see more of him! :)

Thats so cute!

I think I might be a Unidentified Flying Object XD

Interesting post and great pictures. I recognize some of the little characters because of my grandchildren. Such a fun looking experience.

such a huge collection, waste of space...lol

Nice shades

Interesting article and cute pictures.

Thanks travelista! :)

you are very cute girl and you have a very interesting hobby, good luck to you in the "UFO Catcher" in the future

thank you so much! It is a strange hobby isn't it.. but it's the closest thing I have to playing something like pokemon go and I've been catching plushy's for a few years now!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Would anyone in China be interested in a blog by a big white guy with no money? It's like the opposite of your blog.

I'm good at the claw machine too, I always go for lower toys. It gives the claw more time to close. I never take the toy though. I know that one day, a child will look inside and get a surprise.

You should try it.

I'm interested! I guess I have an unfair advantage because I did my undergrad and post graduate studies in UK, so my English is good enough to keep up with posts outside of the cn tag. But honestly, I like your sense of humour and that is something that money can't buy!
I will try leaving the toy in the machine in the future, only if I see a kid waiting to play though!

Something I've always wondered, is why rich people don't have more of a relationship with poor people.

I think part of the problem of inequality in this world is a lack of communication between the two.

Besides, poor people have big muscles from lifting heavy things and we invented things like pizza and hip-hop.

I think something like a collaborative podcast between a wealthy Chinese girl, and a poor Western man would be funny, and help bring our countries closer together.

People take the differences between our countries too seriously, and it would be nice to make some more friends.

I must say, you are not only a beauty but also a talented girl who can turn daily chore or something ordinary into interesting article worth reading.
Impressed me really.

thank you so much! I will try to keep my life tidbits interesting !

I love talented girl more than beauty! :-)




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