Great point in spelling out success.....

in life •  8 years ago 

Humans as we are, we are likely to make everything we do worth each ticking of the clock. Oftentimes, we push and force ourselves to go beyond what we can. However, at the end of the day, most of us lie in bed thinking we've never had enough, we never succeeded.

What does it really take to be at the ground of success?

Here are the possible questions you should be asking yourself if you have been really successful.

Are you happy?

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The feeling of happiness is the feeling that radiates and most of the time, contagious. If you are happy, people around you will be happy and everything will work out smoothly. Happiness is how we look at life. People from different walks of life express it in a silent way while others shout it out loud. Happiness is the best thing that is for free. Enough dose of happiness leads to optimism and optimism leads to success.

Are you contented?

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Accepting who you are, what you can do and what the world can offer you is contentment. It is self-sustaining. No one in this world could feel contentment for you but you. Contentment loves yourself and the people around you, no matter how easy or hard the situation is. Being satisfied with possession, status/position and situation in life is a great point in spelling out success. This could also be the feeling of being ready to die anytime of the day because everything is in its place already (in an exaggerated thought).

What did you contribute to the betterment of the world?

This is one good question I love the most. Contribution to the betterment of the world doesn't exactly mean that one must really do huge, wonderful things to change how the world turn right now.

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Indeed, in life not all of us can do great things. We can only do small things with great love.

If you say "YES!" to the above questions then you've just been successful in life. Success doesn't have to be as big as the billboards where images of elite and popular people are shown. It doesn't have to reach as hogh as the sky. Happiness, contentment and small contribution are the things we often miss to think about in spelling out success.

Follow me @switapril

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:D Don't worry I'll help you too.... :D follow you sir

:D try to join in STEEMIT philippines fb group. and post your campaign.

Points taken. Our success should not only lodge within us but also affect and influence others around us.

I think the author point out that success in emotion .. not in material thing.

:D thanks for your comment sir. @chclaro. followed....