in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Relationship is a very sweet thing, infact being in love is one of the sweetest thing that could ever happen to anyone especially if you are in love with the right person, even a boy of 11 years has a crush already, and probably has already had his first kiss.

But sometimes in life we dont always get what we want, this makes us to go in and out of a relationship, break up, fall in love again, break up, fall in love again. Just as love can be said to be a natural thing, breakup too can also be said to be natural too, though the former is better than the latter, you definitely cannot stay in a relatioship that you are not getting what you want or you dont feel loved, that is not the issues anyway,the real issue is How long should it take before you start having sex in a new relationship?

Lol, funny but serious, this question has caused alot of problem and argument in some relationship today, so how long should it take before we start having sex in a new relationship?

Some are like probably after month, some said after a year and we also have the i dont care people, who says they can have sex with their boyfriend the day they said yes to him, Really well to them it is fine.

A friend of mine was having issues in her new relationship, when i asked her, she said her new boyfriend want to have sex with her just a month after they started dating, she said doesnt want to have sex now, she feels it will be dumb, stupid and silly if she should have sex with someone she just met, and i was hmmmmm really so you think having sex with your boyfriend just a month of dating makes you cheap, well to her that is just it.

This is a complicated issue and sometimes can lead to breakup, we also have the wait till marriage type, well i dont have to explain that, the first time you have sex in a new relationship is very important as it could make or break your relationship.

Some feel you should have sex quick in order for there to be imtimacy, they say sex will make the bond stronger. 80% of relationship today cannot do without involving sexual intercourse but when should you give into the act especially in a new relationship.

One of the reason why some people especially ladies delay sex in a new relationship is because they feel most guys see them as whores if they give in too easily, some feel giving into to sex easily makes their boyfriend take advantage over them, while others are of the opionion that having sex too early could make the guy get tired of you.

Sex is a really beautiful thing and if you ask me how long should it take before one have sex in a relationship, well to me it depends on what your theory on what sex is all about, do you really think sex strenghten a relationship?, or do you think giving in to sex easily means you are cheap?, once you are able to define what sex means to you(either you think its just physical alone or it involves bonding) then you can decide when you want to have it, its not a bad thing to have sex but its also not a bad thing to study the behaviour of someone you are dating before you jump in to sex, waiting a month before having sex or waiting a year before having sex, either ways just be sure of what you really want, its too bad if you let someone push you to doing something you dont really wanna do, also again i feel its better to build up yourself first before chipping in sex, relationship should not be build on sex alone, and sex should not be all that you think when you are going into a relationship. Its advisable to build your relationship on a strong foundation, not using sex as your foundation for a relationship.

More importantly, its always advisable to always consider your partner and not push your partner into what he or she does not want to do, if your partner feels she does not want to have sex until after 3 months of dating, kindly bear with her, true love they say is patient and also there is a saying that unless two agree they cannot work together, so both of you just have to agree and if you are also against sex before marriage that is a also a very good one, relationship is just about understanding and nothing more.

We all have what we believe in and we should not let anybody tamper with our beliefs. Relationship is a very beautiful thing, we just need to follow our heart while taking our brain along.

Thanks for Reading

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You have an excellent information . congratulations. I think you can continue talking about it. Is a great topic.

Thanks alot

Quite Informative.

You would make a perfect consultant.

Thanks alot ma

I usually ask her to bring her overnight bag on the second or third date. But only if it's really going well and I'm knocked out.
My last partner i told "I don't care how long you make me wait!" and we just made googly eyes at each other until the 4th date and she tore my clothes off of me! ;-)

Lolzzz,nice one

You have said it all. There is no perfect time to have sex in a relationship. Do it when both of you feel you are ready for it although always remember abstinence is the best.

Yea you are right,nice one

nice post

Quite enlightening. Personally though, i think its a question of how not when. Sex in a relationship. It doesn't matter if it's the first day, a month or what. Mutual respect and understanding of your partner matters. There's really no template for a perfect relationship and sex time. Nice piece......

Nice one

Nice one