A Trip to the Coast

in life •  7 years ago 

My fiance certainly doesn't need to prove to me that she's brilliant. However, she chose to do so today by suggesting we take a trip to the coast. I decided to experiment with an old digital camera of mine, and here are some of the results.

It's a bit of a drive from our home to the ocean, but Stella seemed to enjoy the trip.


To access the beach, we had to pass under this cool-looking bridge. I should've taken some more pictures of it from different angles. I make no claim to being a talented photographer.


One thing you must know about Stella is that she loves attention and frequently demands it. Ignore her at your own risk. (Also, my fiance's feet are way cuter than mine.)


Speaking of my lack of talent as a photographer, I made an attempt at taking a picture of my fiance while she took a picture of the ocean. (You should see her picture. She's definitely the one with the talent.)


Stella likes to make snow angels even when there's no snow. At least this time there was sand, and it made sense for her to do this. She often does it on other surfaces that will leave no impression like grass, pavement, etc.


The ground and rock formations are often as beautiful as the ocean. I sometimes play with black and white photography. I have a feeling this one would look pretty cool that way. Too bad I didn't use technology that would allow that. But on the bright side, I remembered to pee before we hit the beach. Otherwise, this would've killed me.


That was our trip to the coast. You might notice I had no pictures of the ocean. I took one. It was terrible. So I didn't bother to share it. Maybe next time.

Here's a bonus picture of my kitty getting in the way of me trying to write this post. She's super helpful like that.


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Spiked dog collars were invented in ancient Greece and were originally designed to protect dogs throats from wolf attacks.

Such a cute puppers what breed / mix - Corgi?

Thank you. She is believed to be a Chihuahua/Corgi mix.

Looks like a good day, especially according to the pup!

The name "jaguar" comes from a Native American word meaning "he who kills with one leap".