Look on the bright side!

in life •  7 years ago 


Always keep your eyes on the bright side of possibilities. Last week may have not being your best but a new week brings with it new opportunities and break-ins!!

cheers to a new week.

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Very encouraging words and so sweet. I like the photo too. Is the photographer also on steemit? I will do some digging!.

You may not recall, but I commented on another thread where you talked about someone who didn't reply when you left a comment on his/her post. Well, here I am leaving one on yours.

I have thought a lot about the things you were saying over there at berniesanders' post - and I am left with this thing .. there are so many kind, trusting (perhaps also inexperienced people) everywhere. And then there are the sharks. And on steemit we have whales and dolphins. Yet, I want to ask you a general knowledge question.. which is a more dangerous predator, a great white shark, or a killer whale?

There is some irony in the way the large guys are named here on steemit, and the way we the 'small fish' are named. Think about that. I will blog about it if i have enough inspiration to do it.

I guess I am being overly verbose, or presumptuous, but we wee ones, the small fish, have to be careful. And look out for the larger ones. Not everyone has the purest intentions.

I am someone who takes a look at everyone's content before following. I look to see how that person interacts with everyone else. I even go snooping around in their transaction history to find out as much as I can - to build up a profile. Then I continue to interact.. see how it goes. Finally, I follow. Why do I do this? Because I don't want to waste time upvoting people who aren't keen to take time to know me too (and to support me of course). The good souls need the hardest lessons of all, to learn how to be a little more ruthless and look at the world a little more like a predator. But never let this exercise of being that way, take away from you the kindness and glow that is meant to shine form us all.

Take care, and God bless.

p.s. if you look at a video I posted, you are the guy holding the parrot in that video. Enjoy and laugh a lot. It's good for us. And we have alllll been there before.

looooooool, i watched your video and was laughing my head off! yes, parrot owner complaining to the same stock and still getting no positive result. we'll survive mate. am persistent!

hi, after being on steemit this past 2 months i have come to the conclusion that its actually like every other community in the world and i find that very interesting, because it has what other social media platforms do not have : higher levels of community relationships aka who you know!!, we have the whales, dolphins and lil lil fishes like ourselves (wondering when our earnings will start making sense) the descriptions i find interesting too! yes there are talents and loads of inexperienced people everywhere waiting for their time to shine. coincidentally that situation is plenty here on steemit. but i have one belief, honest hard work overtime finally pays. even here on steemit. predator, great white sharks and killer whales, i wouldn't bother about who was more dangerous because they are all dangerous and you have to watch your back on all cases. I do not consider upvoting some people a waste because i upvote content i think is good or meaninful to me. and yes i do follow people after i go through some of their posts and profile . But in the end investment in steemit is free in a way, its just intellectual property that one could earn or not, and some people actually spend money to come up with quality content. we all just have to hope and work hard enough for the best that can eventually come. For your blog you dont need enough inspiration to do it, you just need to do it and am sure it would be a wonderful to read through. looking out for it.

Absolutely! This is a microcosm of the society out there.
Success is not just inspiration and perspiration, it's also method though.

The love of money has it's benefits. It motivates people to get ahead 'by any means necessary'. We have to do the same sometimes, as long as it does little to no harm to others. Maybe we have to think about it like a 'sin tax' you know? We tax the alcohol and tobacco and put the profits it to good use. We tax them so high, they may end up quitting, but before they do, we may as well tax them. WIN-WIN scenario. So, if someone comes spamming your post - make him an offer 'upvote me over the coming weeks, and leave a meaningful comment each time.. when your upvotes reach $1, I will follow you back as you asked me' BAM! ;-) - u could always still mute him later LOL