The Body, the Seat of our Soul

in life •  8 years ago 


The Body, the Seat of our Soul

Day 5 The word TIP

Continue to remind ourselves we are capable, effective, and efficient each and every day. The word TIP.

Tap = Our tap water today have at least 500 contaminates. Purified water is good, but distill water is better. According to my study, taking care of my brother and mother, distill water removes all metals and all bad chemicals like inorganic materials are purged from the body. Distill water is a negatively charged molecule that combats positively charged acidic state, like a car battery, which restores the battery in its alkaline state that brings power. Distill water magnetically sticks to waste and it attracts debris. When the blood vascular is clean, we have less headache and pain. More oxygen, red blood cells, nutrients available in the body and more healing capacity of the body. After three days we will discover that our complexion is clear and rosy, a feeling of lightness is experience. Our eyes are clearer and more penetrating. We can think clearly and we become less irritated. And the study shows, 65% of all illnesses are eliminated between two to three weeks or five weeks. In Job, it says, "For He draws up drops of water, which distill as rain from the mist." Distill water is pure like you!

Inquire = Nowadays, we have to be proactive in everything. We need to be knowledgeable in: What we are using in our body? What are we eating? What are we wearing? And so on. Asking the right questions will enhance our quality of life to enjoy our visit here on earth. In the Bible, we are aliens, meaning as citizens and ambassadors of the kingdom of God (country), we are immigrants visiting another country (earth). In this world we live in are designed to keep us ignorant. The devil is in ignorance, not in darkness. Yes, the world is dark and we are the light. The light of God is the entrance of God’s word and the Holy Spirit will help us understand what we do not comprehend. The wisdom gives us the ability to apply the knowledge we understand. Nothing is ours until we fully understand what the meaning is. We are to be in the know mode at all times. Knowledge is generational not personal. We will pass on what we know or don’t know. Information adds to our imagination to create a great life. It is up to us. Inquire from within, which is the Holy Spirit or from the library. We are too valuable and the treasure from within is not ordinary, but extraordinary. Ask?

Plate = In Genesis, God provided the herbs, fruits and vegetables as our food. In Job, He provided distill water for us to drink from. Today’s food is processed with so many chemicals such as mercury in our fish, plastic chemicals (ADA/azodicarbonamide) in our bread and snacks, and genetically modified (GMO) like corn or eggs. The safest way is to grow our own food or chicken and/or search for organic labels. GMO food starts at #8 and organic have #9 barcode. We use olive oil, which is better for our brain. We fine dine due to the quality of the food. Now we know the reason for the cost because it is expensive to use organic food. Our body is like a house. We do not put garbage in our house. We give a detailed outlook what we put in. Also, our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We do our best to stay healthy, so we can be useful and effective. We are not good dead to anybody. If we are given life, then we are to learn as much about life. We cannot give what we do not have. People cannot receive life, if we are dead spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Watch what’s on our plate!

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I imagine you are living where clean water is scarce.

Destilled water will remove minerals from your body. You want to re-mineralize it with some clay before drinking.

Second, get yourself a HHO cell and bubble the gas with an aquarium stone through a bubbler-cleaner and then bubble your drinking water for ten minutes with this gas.

That treated water is now the best anti-oxidant in the world, capable of removing radicals even from inside the cell's mitochondria. The hydrogen infused water will detoxify your body.

The treated water has a half live of 2 hours. So bubble often and drink it immediately.

Good luck

thank you for the info🌝