**NEW Coloring books and a word to the wise!

in life •  7 years ago 

So, as many of you know, I have been taking a break from the coloring community in an effort to concentrate on my bath and body company, Ivy and Bat.

Well, things there have hit yet another speed bump as it seems as though we will have to be moving again before winter. *If anyone is thinking of moving to Arkansas and renting a house know this;

Arkansas is the ONLY state in the union that does not have slum lord laws.

This means that they do not have to keep anything up. They don't have to spray for insects of any kind (even with the recent outbreaks of bedbugs and lice nation wide), they do not have to keep things in good repair, and they do not have to provide working appliances. HUD rules ONLY apply to HUD houses in the state of Arkansas.

We were not aware of this when we moved in 2 1/2 years ago. We were originally in talks to buy this house, until it became obvious exactly what all was wrong with it. Especially after it became even more obvious that our landlord had NO intentions of doing any repairs to the house in the mean time. The last straw was last week when he hemmed and hawed about putting in a new well pump. It left us doing laundry and showers at the in-laws until he got around to agreeing to fix it. Nearly a week later. I am just D O N E with him. As much as I love it up here on the Ridge, it's just not worth it anymore.
So we are actively looking for a 4 bedroom at the moment. Preferably with a fenced yard or land. Know of any? ;)

Ok, so... back to the coloring books. Since I have not been able to work in the lab as it is in the process of being packed up, I have been working on some new coloring books. I have released SEVEN new books this month with 3 more ready to be formatted and released. I think the break did me some good. LOL My Muse seems to have returned and she is kickin' ass.

The new books are as follows:

Midnight Gothic Coloring Book
Formal Gardens Grayscale Coloring Book
Fairytales and Fantasy Grayscale Coloring Book
Wedded Bliss Grayscale Coloring Book
Warriors and Heroes
Dark Fantasy Adult Coloring Book: Collector's Edition (Volume 5)
Exotic Beauty Adult Coloring Book (Volume 2)
Kids Stuff Grayscale Coloring Book

And the soon to be released books are;
Life In Miniature Grayscale Coloring Book
Big Book of Mandalas Coloring Book
Fetish Girl ADULT Coloring Book

Here are a few sample pages from the released books. Feel free to right click and save, screen shot or otherwise download them. All I ask is a few basic rules, Don't remove my copyright, Please don't share the uncolored pages on sites like Pinterest, Flickr, or in FaceBook groups without my permission. You can of course share your finished coloring pages EVERYWHERE LOL as long as you credit me with ©TabzJones . And please, tag me at the links below so that I can see your work. I really do love to see them♥

SAMPLE Kids Stuff Mini Coloring Book by Tabz Jones 20.jpg

SAMPLE Warriors and Heroes Fantasy Coloring Book by Tabz Jones 20.jpg

SAMPLE Wedded Bliss Grayscale Coloring Book by Tabz Jones 03.jpg

Thanks for sicking around for my small rant and the coloring pages!


My links;

FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/ivyandbat/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ivyandbat
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ivyandbat/

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Breaks can be beneficial. Love your stuff lady. Sorry about the living/ moving situation. Didn't know that about Arkansas. Resteeming for increased visibility. ❤

Thank you hun. And yeah, it pretty much sucks at this point. I really do love it out here and I wish we could stay. But I won't fight with the old idiot anymore. I was raised to respect my elders, but some people age doesn't matter. They are just selfish horrible humans. Hopefully we can find a better place soon.

Yeah i was raised that way too but you're right some people are just assholes. {{Hugs}}