Raise your hand if you are constantly trying to find balance in your life! Now raise the other hand just to make sure you're balanced. Okay, that second bit was just for a laugh. But seriously, let's talk about this struggle for balance.
I call it, as you might have already guessed, the Rubix Cube Syndrome. And it goes something like this: We want everything to be a perfect fit and crave the feeling of elation we know we would experience if we just ticked all the boxes: great job, excellent health, adoring spouse, best cook, well-kept home, happy kids, and so the list goes on. I am a firm believer in having a little of everything but in our quest to have it all, we are merely playing with the Rubix Cube of life. We get all the colours to match on one surface, and then maybe on another side, and perhaps another...but oh wait, look...in trying to complete this new side, we've unknowingly mixed up some colours on the first side! That's the thing with balance, it never really is a finished product. It's a nerve-wrecking, nail-biting, exhausting process. You never see a trapeze artist find his balance and just chill up there do you? No, because he has to constantly focus on maintaining that balance. The problem with some of us though, is that we become impatient with ourselves and frustrated that we're not getting it right all in one go.
Here's the simple truth we deny though: We're allowed to put down the Rubix Cube once in a while and just leave things unfixed. We can permit ourselves the liberty of leaving things a bit messy and coming back to figure it all out later. Perfection is overrated. I'd tell you to look at those who are perfect to see proof that it really is overrated but you might find these people hard to come by since they don't exist, however much you tell yourself they do...however much you attempt to emulate these elusive (fictitious) beings.
So the key to the Rubix Cube (just the metaphorical one; I have no idea how to complete a real one. I'm a writer, not a Math genius...or Justin Bieber), is to make as many sides perfect as possible, then have the courage and the patience to accept that what you previously made perfect might become imperfect as you attempt to fix the next side.
And keep at it! Because as frustrating as it is to figure out that Rubix Cube, at least it has a whole lot of colour. And what's life without colour?
Until my next thought, live your fun!