Is time is more valuable than life

in life •  6 years ago's  very good qustion.people says time can change people life. but people can't change time.So we can say that time is a unit who decide how we spend it.those are not compareable any more.Time has no vallue without life.people of all ages try to do better for future.But a proverb's goes that yesterday is history tomorrow is mistry but today is a gift.You have the only controll in present what moment you got.If you left a job for tomorrow you could miss it.One will say hard work is the way of success.if that is correct then the donkey would the king of jungle not the lion. Try to work smartly and sincerly . focus on your goal. Be what you want to be not people want from you by against you.So make proper use of time so that people get enough relax

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