Skopje's Life of Mother Theresa and her returns to her hometown...

in life •  6 years ago 

The town where it all begun...Did You know that Mother Theresa was born in Skopje, MK?
Have You ever heard details of her early ages ?
Do You know that she is beatificated and now proclaimed Saint ?

If You didn't know & You want to know more, the Only & the most Unique Multimedial CD Rom "Mother Theresa of Skopje" was created.


We dedicate this unique Multimedial CD Rom about Skopje's Life of Mother Theresa to all the people of good will, that found deep inspiration in the words, acts and thoughts that Mother Theresa, unselfishly shared with the World.

Her life is unique sample of life of a Saint that in this hard times, brought piece and harmony where ever it went.


Many details are known about her life in Calcutta and nothing or not much is known about her Skopje's Life. For the first time, her Skopje's Life and her returns to her hometown are discovered.
Be one of those that will share the truth.


"Mother Theresa dedicated all her life to Jesus Christ. Everything she did, she did to help and her only wish was to satisfy Jesus and Her Mission.


For the first time in the World history, this CD brings You original audio, video files from everything she did, when she was born in Skopje and during her reurns to her home town. This Multimedial CD signs one of the brightest era of mankind, when Mother Theresa was walking on the Earth. Done to perfection, with original naration, excellent coverage, screenplay and Sony Records print, this CD, should be a part of every home like a sign, how in virtue we should live our lives. "


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She was a legendary person.
so many people have found happiness and peace .
Thank you for an interesting post about this
amazing and wise woman dear, @tatjanastan

