Habits for being healthy and happy

in life •  7 years ago 

What if I tell you there is something that one can do right now that would bring positive outcome of our life. What if I tell you there is something that helps to control our focus, our mood and protect us from depression. Yeah I am talking about the powerful effect of daily habits.

There is a saying "Consciously create habits because habits unconsciously dictate your life.”

1. One session of exercise
We should choose a time of the day. Morning is the best time of a day for this. It would be in outdoor or at home.we should maintain it daily or at least 3 to 4 times of a week.we all know the benefit of exercise.

2. Two hours of no phone before bed

Bright light exposure ( like phone, computer, tab) hampers a lot. It affects the hormone Melatonin that control sleep-wake cycle. It causes problem in sleeping, hormone production and cell regenerate.

3. Three meals and two healthy snacks
It depends according to age, sex, stage of human being. The diet should be healthy and well balanced. Avoid fatty and high Cholesterol food in sancks. We can reduce our snacks in condition. coffee-3253354_1280.jpg

4. Breaks stretching
Need break after working at a stretch. It would be a 4 minute body relaxation or a cup of tea. It's healing the mental stress.

5. Five servings of fruits and veggies
We shouldn't notice it. Mainly it happened everyday. Those who don't like veggies should take it seriously.

6. Six minutes of meditation
It has a lot of positive outcome. We ignore all the time. But it has a tremendous mind healings power. We should try at least 6 minutes a day.

7. Seven hours of sleep
It varies person to person. 7-8 hours are standard in a day. Less sleep increase the risk of serious condition like heart disease, diabetes, depression. Too much sleep are also harmful.

8. Eight glass of water
2-3 litre or more normally. Water also found in abundance in other liquids and foods. We is supreme need of our body. All works of body depends mainly water.

9. Nine thousand steps
Everyday try to walk as much as you can. Try to take the stair instead of wating for the elevator if you can. Walking has a beneficial to health. It increase cardiovascular movement, reduce excess body fat, strengthen bones and metabolism of body.

What we need is to grow the habits in our daily life . Its hard to maintain but once we can then its easy.
“Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.” Warren Buffet

Aristotle said, "Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.”
So Its leads through our goals automatically.

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