The Tuesday Impasse

in life •  7 years ago 

So I got to a creative impasse this morning.

I’m not quite well enough to super focus on something because of the cold and flu but I’m also not prepared to write the day off either, I could force recording some videos to add to @teamvideo towards the course but i’m not sure I’m feeling it.

props to my girl @dayleeo for the awesome thought provoking picture that just got me triggered this morning

I’ve got so many things floating around in my brain right now about crypto and where we are going, how fast we are getting there, how it effects our day to day lives, I mean just that alone is overwhelming, all the current worker bees commuting to work stressed out, doing jobs they don’t want to do, dealing with drama they don’t want but not prepared enough or confident to make the leap for one — blockchain is gonna melt their brain.

On the flip side of that coin I’ve seen people, friends start businesses and thrive and absolutely love the work they do and getting paid near on instant with crypto would just improve their liquid funds in their business, no waiting for months on end as a supplier to be paid, full on tracking via a blockchain just seems like so much common sense.

At times I wonder if common sense is a feature that the world as a whole really fights to ignore, I feel if we had more common sense in the world then things would be more utilitarian, more compassion, more emotional and anxiety taxing breaks for us to really shine and do our best work, advance the human civilisation on a little instead of being wrapped up in drama and self servitude.

don’t forget to take part in the Awesome Steemit Collaborative Video #2 Coming Together: Help Fill in the Blanks and Earn Steem for Taking Part! — Steemit as we have like eight lines left and I really want to finish that up as I have another idea for christmas that could be super rad (yes, this is ironic after my last statement)

I had no idea that my new day to day world would have me looking at crypto stock tickers and really be interested to see how this stuff plays out, that was never me, I was never the kid who wanted to understand the data, I was the kid that just wanted to play and have fun not having any peers in my life from my mum or dads side to really bolster me along and get me interested in things, I had to find and explore for myself based in my gut instincts — I’m not mad or anything but now my daughter is getting to her teens it’s gonna be my turn to shape that in some way and expose my daughter to some hard facts about the world she is heading into.

But on the flip side of this coin is a kind of unity and unison vibe that I can feel underlaying all of that, where connecting and finding the right people that should exist in your tribe are starting to appear, steemit has certainly been one of those life lines in recent months and it’s really got me started thinking about what happens we remove the notion of what working a job looks like in 2018 and beyond.

I mean, what things have you been putting on hold that you would do if for instance your monthly outgoings were covered, what if you had a basic income lifestyle, what would you do in the world, how do you measure impact on the world as a whole as a human being?

Maybe it was that I was sucked into the blue planet II final episode that I caught up with last night as an earth sign seeing how the water side of the planet (you know, like a really fucking important part of planet earth) is dying due to the way that we as a race have been exploiting the very resources that give this planet it’s life enabling properties — it’s overwhelming to consider about how much information we might miss out on and not be privy too during our time on planet earth.

When that happens I tend to throw up the knowledge firewall. I have to rate limit it, slow it down, filter it, put it in a little box in my special room of the information house that I hope I’ll transition back into on a sunday afternoon at some point in the future. It’s stored, over there, away, out of sight, still doing what it’s doing, like climate change really, everything has a time when it takes place, it can be suppressed but it can’t be ignored.

Like that little life clock that sits inside of all of us, asking little questions as little brain impulses about who we are, what we are doing, where we are going and facilitating those enjoyment centres to light up like christmas trees of excitement that for this moment we are doing the right thing.

I guess I like forward motion that’s multi facetted, I don’t want to just get ahead at the sake of getting ahead, I want to go forward towards a shared goal, a goal that’s broken down and built back up through debate, not just wikipedia entries and hearsay, one where we go out into the world and do micro course corrections for those in need and that need more education or to infect re-educate ourselves about the delicate balance we all encounter everyday when we wake and get another chance at life.

December always does this to me, like an awkward party in your teenager years when you though that the most popular person in school was so inaccessible and that you had to be part of the cool kids to exist, years come and go and new ones arrive for as a capricorn with a reenergising output, like the world is saying, hey remember me?

You still have a chance to make things right — maybe it’s the changing of the seasons, maybe it’s the time I stare to the skies and see the clouds looking sad and angry or the pictures that become viral of polar bears struggling for food and near death starvation, who knows, all of these pictures feel like flashes of a future world where our hands are off the wheel and we are matrixes into a headset of uncertain futures.

All I know is this, when I hit an impasse like this, be it creatively or cognitively in general I go outside of myself and see what I can be doing for my little market share of the world around me, who can I love, who can I empower, who can I lift up while my brain is doing it’s own little rollercoaster day at the park — how can I utilise those brain cycles until mine hit the next reboot by the architect of my existence.

We should all strive to do good things, good work, give good love, smile and mean it, shake a hand and truly be in awe that we made it this far together, that by communicating our vulnerable sides that we are able to build nano emotion bases on which skyscrapers of empathy can form and reach for the skies, that in unison the collective knowledge and creativity of the human race on this planet can become much more centred in it’s pursuit to be fundamentally better at being alive.

I wish you a hug of compassion along your journey today wherever that may take you and I wish you the best that you can recompile that human source code on a daily basis to live a full and joyful day here, on our spinning rock together until we can’t anymore. have a wonder filled day and extend that hand to others when you are able too.

compassion before content,
t e a m h u m b l e xx

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An insightful article.

Happy to be triggering in this case- great brain dump love- you’ll be feeling better in no time and firing on all cylinders soon enough 💕

Literally feel like I was living inside your mind for a brief moment! Love the vibes coming from this post.

Lmk if you have any lines available for that collab video!

we have five lines left. please consider doing one! :)