write for right now alright?

in life •  7 years ago 

saturdays have become a little odd here in the second to last week of the summer holidays, it’s like it’s lasted forever. i’ve enjoyed the warm weather and we are set for another batch of the warmth next week, i heard it was gonna be 25 on monday. christ on a bmx, i’m gonna be like a baked potato here on monday, so i need to adjust my calendar around on that!

i’m guessing the rewards pool is low or the bots have gone on holiday because the posts are taking quite the hit, it’s weird how you get used to seeing those bots appear and then they don’t, i’m always happy to see them return thou with the upvoting, it does not however stop me from writing here. it’s been the easy of doing so that made me start again.

i’m also super pumped to see the other half blogging as well, words, making and creativity is like a muscle that needs to be worked otherwise it atrophies and locks up, takes lots of oil like a rusty tin man from oz to get going again, you can quickly become like all the characters along the road actually if your are not careful. it’s easy to lockup in life from time to time.

i had a few titles i already started in my iPad that i wanted to flesh out today but i felt they would have been a little pre-meditated and i didn’t want the rest of the day to come from the words of the grouch. it’s a battle when your a 40 something to keep the grump monster away from your life. i’m super happy to have someone like ella with so much energy and fun in her life as a reminder each week to keep reaching out for fun times — it may feel like a bubble at times of convincing myself things are ok but it’s better than the other which actually effects your health.

right now around me the fields are packed with vans and people, it looks like a bunch of people took their holiday in england this year. they must be making a packet on the site, it still grinds my gears that people use their car to go to the big toilets but hey. i said i’d be positive right so i’m gonna keep to that. i even bought my favourite super purple juice with minty action.

so i’ve got no plan for today, the next three days are glorious, not a spec of rain on the horizon, actually perfect writing and making weather, maybe not green screen work because the temperatures will be off the chart in here if i did that certainly time to grind out work, especially that during the summer holidays sunday has become a work today — final week of summer holiday next week for daughter, i’d like to do something special if i can afford.

the back to back days have been great, they go pretty fast and we have gotten used to it because we have not had resources to do much else, if i had a van i’m CERTAIN we would have for instance gone away to the coast or something similar for an evening, building in some time around the trip with music and laughs, one day perhaps in the near future. i can always have that smile on my face anyway about the possibility.

looking forward to the PUBG Invitational final day today on live stream, been watching that the last few days, taught bella all about the pro scene and about how long gamers practice, clans and the money that some of these teams are not taking home - we worked it out that yesterday one of the teams was roughly on $10k an hour rate for coming second after only playing for 30 odd minutes between the two of them in duos, not bad for a quick bit of work, obviously i had to explain all the hours of training.

time to rebalance energies now that the poppet is back at mums. time for super purple, course correction, bit of gaming, fire up my notepad, build some flesh onto the bones of the outstanding titles and posts i wanted to write and enjoy the rest of the day — not forgetting that i have a quarter bottle of rum in the fridge too, i can see myself having a few nips of that later on today. ..

what’s your weekend looking like?

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I'm sat outside enjoying the sunshine, beer in hand! Have a good weekend!

oh my word. perfection! must do beers/food again soon -- let me save up! :)

btw, i have rum for later. kinda wishing i had some coke to go with it!

If the rum is a nice one I wouldn't ruin it with coke!

word to that. it's only a morgans thou, spiced one. i think i've gone off it. can't afford good rum atm ;)

Oh well then you need to drown that in coke!

see, exactly! :)

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