Hello everybody!
Today I will write about how we feel about ourselves in terms of back - in the last month, year, decade ...
The expression of our faces in terms of backward tells us about the feelings in us is the image that we see. Are our hearts filled with warmth and are full of bitterness? Are we alone, or as mad dogs run from point to point, person to person, from meeting to meeting, commitments to obligations? And where are we in all this?
In that one moment where we stopped and looked at (in) ourself, are we anything see? What to do with it? How will it affect the decisions of the year - no, but in this day, this moment, which is in front of me, in me - now? Are you aware of whether we are willing to look at that 'my reality - my mirror? That just looking at the reality and the people around you see what we create and how we live. And so in the end to live happily, filled with satisfaction?
Start by making a simple test: look at yourself in the mirror - now! Write down what you saw and how you felt? Do you feel in the same way when you look in the mirror? Probably not! How is that possible and on which it depends? I think you yourself say, 'That's how I feel at that moment ....'! What does this mean and is there any sense of all this?
Of course there is! The mirror does not make a difference - a difference an observer see! You see the way I feel at the moment, you see a reflection of their thoughts, opinions, projections, fears...
In the same way that you see yourself in the mirror, so you see the world around them. It is a reflection of your inner self and always shows you what you have at that moment. If you become aware of it, the situation around you will tell you a lot about yourself. After that, you can learn how to influence them - by changing yourself!
For a better understanding of the principles of the mirror should first of all keep in mind that each of us blend of spirit, personality and body. The unique combination of soul chooses before birth and depends on the purpose of the soul to experience a certain experience. Sometimes the choice can be very complex, even to the extent that it covers at first glance incompatible elements ("debts" from past lives, 'karma', etc.). All previously written are not real events, but the energy that accompanies us in a life.
To all this can understand and in his current life to take advantage of the principle of mirrors to learn and grow, it is good to explore some parts of ourselves that have a significant impact on us.
Is determined by selecting the soul to experience in life experiences that were selected for certain growth. We recognize it as a passion for a certain line, learning, love of serving others - to name just some of the most common. This lifelong passion leads us from the life paths on which we live exactly the desired experience and thus achieve spiritual growth.
As a young life purpose can suggest as 'desire' of the child to be engaged in something to be 'somebody' (driver, nurse, pilot, teacher ....). People who exercise their 'childhood dreams', mainly on 'right track', which can be seen from the deep life satisfaction that carry within themselves.
The mirror can experience a variety of ways. During the day can happen situations that you appear familiar, but you do not remember if you had ever experienced. The same can happen if you are reading a book, watching a movie or know someone that instantly 'click'. Such signs should not be ignored. Carefully follow where it takes you.
'Rat Race'
If you've never heard of this term, 'rat race' describes a rat in a circular cage which runs around the rungs, while the cage faster and faster turns. The symbolism is that it warns us of our daily obligations, the need for more and more we earn, we have more and more things, the increasing number of targets, etc...
To achieve both these aims, we must all work harder, we have less time for themselves and thus moving away from the sense of his life. We become puppet run by someone else's interests.
On the other hand, far from their true life purpose, captured in the daily duties and activities, we become unhappy, tense, overworked and under increasing stress until the end do not get sick and do not completely break. Is not such a life, clearly mirror which tells us what we should change?
Have a good day / night!