Yesterday I dropped my youngest daughter off at Purdue

in life •  7 years ago 

My baby girl officially a resident at Purdue University. Yesterday was the first day of move in day and it was crazy, today the rest of the students move in.


But yesterday my baby girl moved in and we spent most of the day waiting. But I have to give props to Purdue University for helping move the students into the dorms. Seriously they had teams of students helping the freshmen move into the dorms and it made unloading the car so easy and they even took everything upstairs. Including the small couch my daughter bought for her dorm room earlier this summer. And the way they stagger in move in times is awesome.

This is where my daughter will be living for the next year. She is happy that there is air conditioning.


She did not want me taking a picture of her room till her and her roommate get it set up but it this is a photo from google images of a room in her dorm, they are all the same Unless you have a single or one with a private bath and apparently they are a little bigger in McCutcheon than in the other dorms by 2 sq ft.

My daughter already knows her roommate they have been friends through out high school. Which is nice for both of them, they already know they can stand each other. Plus it gives them both someone from home to help with the adjustment of college, it can be hard to be away from everyone and everything you know, when you have a friend going with you it makes it much easier to adjust.


We did forget her sheets though so I had to get another set for her till I can get her the others to her. What is funny about that is that I know regular twin sheets won't fit dorm mattresses because they are extra long, so months ago I ordered them so she would have two sets to rotate between, and I thought she had grabbed them she thought I grabbed them and they got left. Oops. Thankfully there are a ton of stores near by.

I can't believe my baby girl is all grown up and off at college it really does seem like yesterday she was graduating Preschool.


She is all grown up now and just got back from Mexico for a graduation trip that her and her college roommate went on before heading off to Purdue. They just got back 4 days before they left for college.

from my daughter's photo collection on facebook

But she isn't that little girl anymore, she has grow up on me so quickly in a blink of an eye. All of my kids did, I turned around and the years passed and I only have one left at home now. I miss my babies being little but I really enjoy spending time with all of my children, because the one thing that will never change no matter how old they get is this, they will always be my babies. And apart of me will always seen them a little like this.


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So precious!! It bought tears to my eye my baby girl is just 4 months but I feel like she was just born ! She's growing up too fast I'm sure you felt the same way ! God bless you both

My son is getting close to 1 year old. I can't imagine sending him off to college! (Although we are planning for it already). Kids grow up so fast!

As if life wasn't going by fast enough already, with kids it just seems to fly by that much faster! I hope I get to slow it down a bunch one of these days soon.

Anyway, congratulations on becoming an "empty nester"! I wish you an easy adjustment period, for both you and your daughter :)

I still have one left at home he is in his senior year but the nest is feeling empty without having another girl around. lol

Oh, I apologize. I thought you had mentioned this being your youngest child, not just daughter. My mistake. It's still gotta be tough.

It sounds like you will be there soon enough anyway. Once your kids come back from college, they will be much different. But different for the better. And hopefully you get to enjoy a happy transition from being their Parent, to becoming closer to a Friend! (Even though we all know that we will never stop being Parents!) :)

So far with both my girls I think it has been a good transition so far.

Thanks for sharing from a Purdue Alum, glad the university helps out the freshmen as adjustment to college life begins. But I initially would go home my freshman year about every three weeks, by my senior year, it seemed only for the holidays. She will be fine and Purdue will provide a balanced experience !!!!!

Yeah it is a good thing she can't have her car with her, cause the gas of the back and forth would be horrible.

I used the message board where students with cars will post, and share fuel expense to return home. I guess it's probable in an app now)))

We are only an hour and a half away from the campus. But I expect her to be so caught up that she won't be home till the first break. She is that kid that gets involved in her surroundings. So I expect she will be busy even when she has down time.